Feb 13, 2013

Roses are red...

Dan Zaljubljenih je veoma blizu, i sigurna sam da ce veliki broj muskaraca kao poklon kupovati ruze. Da budem iskrena, nadam se da moj nece. Volim ruze, i cvece uopste ali samo na slici :). Zasto bi zelela da mi neko kupi cvece koje cu morati da zalivam i da se brinem o njemu, kada za iste te pare moze da mi kupi lak za nokte koji ce trajati zauvek? ;)
Za ove ruze na noktima, koristila sam theBalm - I Take my Coffee Matte and Black i akrilne boje.

Valentine's Day is soon, and I'm sure that lot of men will buy roses as their present for their girls. To be honest, I hope my boyfriend won't buy them. I love roses and other flowers, but just on a picture :). Why would I want a flower that I would need to take care of it, while for the same amount of money, he can get me nail polish that will last forever? ;)
For this roses nail art, I used theBalm - I Take my Coffee Matte and Black and acrylic paints.

roses-nail-artroses-nail-art2roses-nail-art3 roses-nail-art4

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