Kako znate da
bi trebalo da posvećujete
više pažnje svojim noktima? Kada vam treba minut vremena da se setite šta je to
ustvari V manikir, koji je ujedno i tema za ovonedeljni Matching Manicures.
Sigurno svi već znate koliko ja obožavam Božić i sve u vezi njega, a već me je
strah da neću stići da uradim toliko Božićnih manikira koliko inače radim svake
godine, pa sam odlučila da počnem malo ranije. V manikir sam napravila takvim
da potpuno odgovara Božićnom raspoloženju u kom sam ja, i već uveliko
razmišljam o poklončićima za moje najdraže osobe.
sam moja tri omiljena Božićna laka (ukoliko su u pitanju crvena, zelena i
zlatna boja naravno, jer imam i omiljenu Božićnu plavu, Božićne šljokice, itd.)
: China Glaze – Running in Circles, China Glaze – Ruby Pumps i Essence – A
Piece of Forever.
do you know that you need to give more attention to your nails? When you need a
minute to remember what V manicure actually is, and this is also a theme for
Matching Manicures today. You probably all already know how much I love
Christmas and everything about it, and I’m already afraid that I won’t be able
to do as many Christmas manicures like I usually do every year, so I decided to
start a little bit earlier. I made V manicure to completely fit Christmas mood
that I’m in, I even already started to think about presents for my dearest
I used
three of my favorite Christmas polishes (when we talk about green, red and gold
of course; because I also have favorite Christmas blue, Christmas glitter, etc.
) : China Glaze – Running in Circles, China Glaze – Ruby Pumps and Essence – A Piece
of Forever.
Da li ste
vi već u
Božićnom raspoloženju? Pogledajte i ostale odlične V manikire koje su devojke
napravile :
Are you
already in a Christmas mood? Check out other great V manicures that girls made