Apr 6, 2014

Matching Manicure - Flowers

U poslednje vreme sam oduševljena pečatiranjem hologramskim lakovima. Vodila sam se onim da je skuplje - bolje, tako da sam pokušavala sa China Glaze i Layla lakovima međutim bilo je bezuspešno. Kako su nam stigli sunčani dani, obratila sam malo više pažnje na moje holo lakove, i setila se da imam celu Perfect Holographic kolekciju (da, potpuno sam zaboravila na njih). Uspela sam iz prvog pokušaja da ispečatiram cvetiće, što je i tema za današnji Matching Manicure.
Koristila sam : Avon - Violetta, Perfect H04 i Perfect H06. Pločica sa koje sam pečatirala ima naziv Disc-02 i možete je naći u Alexandar Cosmetics-u.

Lately, I really like when I see stamping with holographic polishes. I thought that the more expensive polish is, bigger is chance that it will be good for stamping, so I mostly tried with China Glaze and Layla polishes but it was unsuccessful. Since there were few sunny days in a row, I paid more attention to my holo polishes, and remembered that I have whole Perfect Holographic collection (yes, I forgot about it). It worked from the first try and I stamped flowers which were the theme for this week Matching Manicure.
I used : Avon - Violetta, Perfect H04 and Perfect H06. Stamping plate that I used is Disc-02 bought in Serbian store Alexandar Cosmetics.

flowers holographic stamping 3flowers holographic stamping 2flowers holographic stamping

Ne zaboravite da pogledate i cvetiće koje su devojke nacrtale.

Don't forget to check out flowers that girls drew.


  1. Prekrasno,ja imam jedan njihov holo,i cuvam ga kao suho zlato,obozavam ga ;)

  2. Lovely! I have that holo...I didn't think it would stamp, thanks for the tip

  3. I ja volim da pečatiram holosima, ali osim ponekada sa GR8 nemam problema sa China Glaze holo lakovima. Meni se dobro prenose. Na kraju krajeva, važno je da si našla neke holose kojima možeš dobro da pečatiraš.

  4. super ideja :D
    moram i ja svoje holiće malo prošetati, već su zaboravili kako sunce izgleda ;)

  5. Gorgeous! I, also, love holo stamping! :D

  6. Odlična ideja!
    Obožavam holiće i zavidim ti na Perfect Holographic kolekciji :)))
