Dec 13, 2011

Christmas Nails #12: Snowflakes

Jos uvek je negde 12. decembar, tako da ne kasnim mnogo :D. Danas sam imala mnogo posla oko kuce, posto sutra imamo neke goste, mami mi je rodjendan, te nisam imala bas previse vremena da se bavim noktima. Znam da ovo nije ni priblizno dobro kao ono juce, ali je i dalje Bozicno :). 
Kao baznu boju, nalakirala sam Aura - On the Edge. Mislim da je ovo jedini Aurin lak koji mi se stvarno svidja. Onda sam belom akrilnom bojom nacrtala pahuljice, stavili preko glittere FlorMar 003 (a on je skoro isti kao i China Glaze - Fairy Dust), i stavila plave okrugle cirkone iz Born Pretty Store-a

There is still December 12th somewhere, so I'm not really late :D. Today I had a lot to work around the house, because tomorrow we have guests, my mother is having a birthday, so I didn't had a lot of time to do my nails. I know this isn't good as the yesterday's was, but it's still Christmas nail art :).
As base color, I polished Aura - On the Edge. I think this is the only Aura nail polish that I really like. Then I drew some snowflakes with white acrylic paint, putted glitter top coat FlorMar 003 (which is dupe for China Glaze - Fairy Dust), and some round rhinestones from Born Pretty Store.

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Uzimajuci u obzir da su rucno crtane, lepo su ispale :). Imate neku ideju za sutrasnji post?

Considering that they are hand painted, they are nice :). Do you have any ideas for tomorrows post?


  1. This is quite lovely!! I really enjoy the colour you used for the base!! :D

  2. Pahulje su odlicne, mislim da su najljepse koje sam do sad vidjela :)

  3. ohhh cute! I've done recently one snowflake mani, but yours is much better <3

  4. super su (iste k'o moje), dobro si se sjetila ovog cirkonića ;-D

  5. I tebi ovo nije nista posebno? Hmm..:) Odoh da vidim jucerasnje
