Dec 29, 2011

Essence Twins–Edward & Bella

Danas za vas imam jedne Twinse, Edwarda i Bellu. Kada sam ih donela kuci, mama je rekla kako ih vec imam, ali nemam :D. Stvarno sam pocela da kupujem lakove koje vec posedujem, ali to je samo zato sto ne mogu da zapamtim koje imam, a koje bih volela da imam :). Pa, ajmo na Bellu. Ona je veoma laka za aplikaciju, i nanosi se iz dva sloja. Mislim da su ovi novi Twinsi bolji od prvih, posto sam obicno imala problema sa starim bazama. Bella se susi brzo, ali ju je jako tesko uslikati, cak i u light boxu.

Today I have for you one of the Twins, Edward and Bella. When I brought them home, my mum told me that I already have them, but I don't :D. I really started buying some that I already own, but that's just because I can't remember which I have, and which I would love to have :). So, let's go to Bella. She is very easy to apply, and opaque in two coats. I think those new Twins are better then first ones, because I usually had trouble with base colors. Bella dries really quick, but she is so hard to take a picture, even in light box. 

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Edward je topper, pun glitera, sto mi nikako nije jasno. Po meni, "zenski" deo Twinsa je trebao biti glitter. Edward sadrzi mnogo zelenkastih sitnih glittera, kao i manji broj malih cirkona. 

Edward is a topper, full of glitters, and that's what I don't understand. If you ask me, "female" part of Twins should be glitter. Edward has lots of tiny green glitters, and also a small amount of tiny rhinestones.

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Jeste li isprobale Bellu i Edwarda? Koji su vam Twinsi najlepsi?

Have you tried Bella and Edward? Which of the Twins is prettiest for you?


  1. Lovely!! I would have to say I like Bella the most. My guess is that Edward is the glitter since vampires in that series sparkle in the sun light.

  2. Bella je eden najlepših zelenih lakov v moji zbirki.
