Dec 9, 2011

Christmas Nails #9 : Lights

Danas sam odlucila da stavim praznicne svecice na nokte. I nisu mi uspeli bas. Ocigledno me nece ovih dana. Kao podlogu stavila sam Essence - Purple Cherry, a svecice sam crtala akrilnim bojama. I dozivela sam isto ono sto mi se desava i u pravom zivotu sa ovim svecicama... uvek se nekako kabl zamota cim ga ne gledas jednu sekundu :D

Today I decided to put some festive lights on nails. And they didn't turned out ok. Obviously, I'm not doing something right these days. As base color, I polished Essence - Purple Cherry, and lights were painteted with acrylic paints. And it happend to me the same thing that happens in real life with those lights... Somehow, cable mess up as soon as you don't look at them for one second :D

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Bozicne svecice su inace jako lake za nacrtati, samo ih treba konstantno gledati :D. Jel se vama dopadaju? 

Christmas lights are really easy to draw, you only need to look at them constantly :D. Do you like them?


  1. Super ideja in izvedba. :)

  2. Ja bi izabrala neku neutralniju podlogu da sijalice dodju vise do izrazaja..super su ti ispale :)

  3. These are sooo cute!!!! :D Very cute!!
