Dec 20, 2011

Christmas Nails #20: Silent Night

Ako ste procitale jucerasnji post, videle ste da je kod mene pao prvi sneg. Popodne, setala sam ulicama i gledala tu lepotu. Stvarno obozavam zimu i sneg. Znam da ima mana (da, vec sam uspela da skliznem i padnem :D), ali je carobno. Dok sam setala, setila sam se Bozicne pesme "Silent Night" i ona me je inspirisala da napravim danasnji nail art. Ne znam kako ce se vama svideti, ali meni se i ne svidja bas. Ne znam da li sam uspela da dovoljno docaram, iako sam se trudila.
Bazna boja je Essence - In Style, a glitteri su Golden Rose Nail Art 121, Isabelle Dupont - 268 i FlorMar 010.

If you read my yesterdays post, you saw that start snowing here in my place. Afternoon, I walked on the street and watched that beauty. I really love winter and snow. I know that it have bad sides as well (yes, I already managed to slip and fall down :D), but it's magical. While I was walking, I remembered Christmas song "Silent Night" and it inspired me to do this nail art. I don't know will you like it, because I don't. I don't know if I managed to transfer on my nails what I thought, even if I really tried.
Base color is Essence - In Style, and glitters are Golden Rose Nail Art 121, Isabelle Dupont - 268 and FlorMar 010.

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Nekako mi kuce izgledaju jezivo, kao da su za Noc Vestica :D. Sta vi mislite?

Somehow, houses looks creepy to me, like they are for Halloween :D. What do you think?


  1. HAHAHA!! XD Your comments were hilarious! I think these look lovely! :D Not Halloween-ish at all. ^-^ Are you okay? I'm sorry to hear that you slipped and fell! D:

  2. ma daj, uopće nije jezivo, šta ti je :-p
    prvi dan i već si pala... 'oće to malo vježbanja, zato je meni snig savršen samo na fotkama ;-D

  3. @Ashesela thanks :). I'm ok, don't worry, I'm sure it will happen to me lot of time this winter, like every year :D

    @nail crazy ma ne znam, tako mi licilo :D. A za pad, nista mi ne pricaj, sramota me je od same sebe :D. ali ni prvi ni poslednji put :)
