Prvo od njih je My Yellow Fellow, koji izgleda perfektno u bocici. Pastelno zuta boja sa zlatnim shimerom (Amra mi je rekla da je to shimer, a ne sljokice :D). Po meni, cetkica mu je pretanka, a formula vodenasta. Trebala su mu 3 sloja da bi izgledao relativno jednak na noktima i da bi boja bila ista kao u bocici. Iskreno, veoma sam se namucila sa mazanjem, i mislim da ga necu skoro stavljati opet.
Do you remember two weeks ago when I told you that I got few products from Essence from Blossoms etc… collection? Day after that, I traveled back to college and totally forgot to bring them with me. When I finally came home, I couldn’t wait to try them out. And sincerely, I’m not very satisfied…
First of them is My Yellow Fellow, that looks perfectly in bottle. Pastel yellow color with golden shimmer (Amra says that’s the shimmer, not glitter :D). At my opinion, brush is too thin, and formula is too watery. It took him 3 layers to get relatively even look on nails, and to get the same color that’s in the bottle. I had a very tough time to apply it, and I think I won’t use it soon.
Drugi, Bloom-a-Loom je najbolji od ova 3 isprobana laka. Cetkica mu je isto tanka, ali mu je formula malo gusca, sto je pokrilo taj nedostatak. Stavila sam isto 3 sloja, iako bi i samo 2 bila dovoljna ako pazljivo mazete. Kod sva 3 ova laka sam primetila da ako vam prethodni sloj nije 130% suv, i namazete sledeci, pojavljuju se grudvice koje se tesko pokriju.
Second one, Bloom-a-Loom, is the best from these 3 polishes I tried out. Brush is thin, but the formula is much better and that covers the lack of brush. I applied 3 layers, 2 would be enough if you are very carefully with applying. I noticed with all 3 of these, that if previous layer isn’t 130% dry, and you apply another one, lot of dots appear and they’re hard to cover.
Konacno, treci po redu – I Like, lepa pastelna tirkizna boja sa srebrnkastim simmerom. Skoro odlicna pokrivenost sa 2 sloja, ali i dalje sam imala problem tanke cetkice i stvaranje grudvica.
Finally, third one – I Like, beautiful pastel turquois color with silvery shimmer. Almost great cover with 2 coats, but I still had troubles with thin brush and appearing dots.
Posto je ovaj bio poslednji na mojim nokticima danas, resila sam da mu dodam jos mali cvetic :).
Since this was the last one on my nails today, I decided to add him small flower :)
Jeste li isprobale lakove iz Blossoms etc.. kolekcije? Kakvi su vasi utisci?
Did you tried out polishes from Blossoms etc.. collection? What do you think about them?
This products were sent to me by Essence for review.
Zuti mi nije nesto, ljubicasti mi je preblijedunjav al mi je zeleni prelijep :) I cvijet mu je super :)
ReplyDeleteImaš nagradicu kod mene ;)
ReplyDelete@Amra slicno mislimo :D.
ReplyDelete@Nina hvala :). Iskuckacu sad :)
tek sam vidila kolekciju u DM super su mi boje ali sada znam da želim zelenu i žutu :D