Danas za vas imamo toliko mnogo toga… swatch, nail art i tutorial. Pa da ne duzim mnogo :)
Swatch –> moja prva Maybelline Mini Colorama – 51 French White. Tokom mog lakiro-zivota, susrela sam se sa mnogo french belih lakova. Nekima sam bila vise zadovoljna, nekima manje, ali ovim sam odusevljena, Stvarno ne znam zasto sam ga do sada izbegavala, i Mini Coloramu uopste. Kao prvo, odusevila me je lakoca aplikacije. Moze da se maze sa svih strana, i kad god, a tragova od cetkice nema uopste. Druga odusevljenost – vremenom susenja. Nije mu trebalo ni minut, sto je veoma brzo. Trece cime sam ja odusevljena, a mozda neke od vas nece biti – boja. Kao sto znate, postoje dve nijanse french bele – malo providna bela, i bas bas bela. E ja volim samo tu bas bas :), tako da mi je ova savrsena. Umalo da zaboravim, pokriva sa 2 sloja :)
Today I have for you so many things… swatch, nail art and tutorial. So I’ll go to the point :)
Swatch –> my first Maybelline Mini Colorama – 51 French White. During my polishing-life, I “met” so many french white polishes. With some, I was satisfied, with some, I was less satisfied, but this one is amazing. I really don’t know why I was avoiding it, and also a Mini Colorama. First thing that I found it’s amazing is easiness of application. You can apply it from either side you want, and whenever you want, and you can’t see traces of brush at all. Second – time of drying. It didn’t needed a minute, you see how fast it is. Third thing I found that’s amazing, and maybe some of you won’t, – color. As you know, there is two kinds of french white – little bit transparent white, and really really white. And I love that really really :), so I think this is perfect. I almost forgot, it apply in 2 coats :).
Niste valjda mislile da je to to? Naravno da ne :).
Vec dugo imam na umu da napravim “klavirski” nail art, kao sto mi je MyPerfectLounge predlozila u komentarima kada sam pravila giveaway. Ali nikako nisam pronalazila savrsenu belu do sada. Verujte mi, ovo je najlaksi nail art ikada. Ako vas zanima kako da uradite : povucite prave linije – slika 1 (nije bitno ako nisu bas skroz prave, moze se to popraviti kasnije), podsetite se gde stoje crne dirke na klaviru – slika 2, kad se osusi obojite dirke – slike 3,4,5 i to je to :).
You didn’t think that it, didn’t you? Of course not :).
I was thinking for a while to make “piano” nail art, as MyPerfectLounge suggested me in comments when I had a giveaway. But I just couldn’t find perfect white till now. Trust me, this is the easiest nail art ever. If you’re interested in how to do it : draw straight lines – picture 1 (it’s not important if they are not really straight, it can be fixed later), remind yourself where are black keys on piano – picture 2, and when it’s dry, paint the keys – pictures 3,4,5 and that’s it :)
Pa, sta mislite? Hocete li probati da napravite ovako nesto?
So, what do you think? Will you try to make something like this?
Danas mama i ja planiramo da iskoristimo poslednje dane leta i odemo u akva park. Posebno za ovu priliku, odlucile smo da budemo svetlucave, tj barem nasi nokti su to odlucili :). Posto sam malo u zurbi, samo kratak post. Razlicita baza, isti top coat.
Today, my mum and I are planning to use the last days of summer and we’re going to aqua park. Especially for this, we decided to be sparkly, at least our nails decided it :). Since I’m in a rush, it’s going to be short post. Different base color, same top coat.
Essence – Dress to Party & Flor Mar 010
Essence – Enchanted Fairy & Flor Mar 010
Nama se svidja, i jedva cekamo da se njima zaplivamo. A vama?
We like it, and we can’t wait to swim with them. Do you?
Cao devojke. Prvo bih zelela da “se opravdam” sto me nije bilo. Imala sam malu nezgodu sa vrelom kafom koja mi je zavrsila po telu i nogama, pa je jedini polozaj u kome sam mogla da budem – lezeci. Sad kad napokon mogu da ustanem, napravila sam deckovoj sestri noktice za njen 11. rodjendan. Imala je zurku, i isprobale smo dve razlicite kombinacije, a videcete i za koju smo se odlucile.
Prvo smo isprobale pink nokte (posto je to njena omiljena boja), sa Siljom, i gliterima. Pink lak koji smo probale je Essence – Love of Pink. Ako vam se svidja, imate jos samo par dana da pokusate da ga nadjete, posto ga posle toga nece biti. Gliteri su najlepsi koje imam – Flor Mar 010. Pogledajte kako je to ispalo :)
Hi girls. First, I want to “excuse” myself for not being here. I had a little accident with hot coffee that ends up on my body and legs, so I was able to be in only one position – lying on bed. Now when I can finally get up, I made my boyfriend's sister nails for her 11th birthday. She had a party, so we tried two different combination, and you will see which was final one.
First we tried a pink nails (since it’s her favorite color), with Goofy and Glitter. Pink polish that we used was Essence – Love of Pink. If you like it, you have only few more days to buy it, since it’s not going to be in sale later. Glitters are the most beautiful that I have – Flor Mar 010. Check out how that came out :)
Prva slika je malo muta, ali se najbolje vide multi-chrome glitteri.
Ono sto nije valjalo kod ove kombinacije je to sto se nije slagala sa haljinom. Haljina je bila svetlo ljubicasta sa tamno ljubicastim visnjama, pa smo probale to da prenesemo i na nokte. Za podlogu smo koristile Golden Rose 309, visnje smo nacrtale akrilnim bojama, i dodale smo par srebrnim straseva i ljubicastih cirkona u obliku srca. Slika je malo losijeg kvaliteta, ali napolju je bio mrak pa smo morale da se posluzimo unutrasnjim svetlom.
First picture is a little bit blurry, but multi-chrome glitters are most visible that way.
What was wrong with this combination was it didn’t match with a dress. Dress was light purple with dark purple cherries, so we tried to apply that on her nails. For base, we used Golden Rose 309, cherries was drawn with acrylic colors, and we added a few silver lines and purple rhinestone in heart shape. Picture have a little bit bad quality but outside was dark so we had to use indoor light.
I to je bila finalna. Meni se dopada, a i njoj. Sta vi mislite?
And that was the final one. I like it, and so is she. What do you think?
Mozda ste vec procitale negde da Essence povlaci poveci broj svoj proizvoda iz prodaje kako bi napravili mesta za nove. Navodno, “stari” proizvodi ce biti na policama u prodavnicama jos samo 9 dana, a kako sam cula negde su snizenja vec pocela. Tako da je pravo vreme za napraviti zalihe. Ove godine, oprastamo se od ovih proizvoda :
Maybe you read somewhere that Essence is going to stop selling a big number of their products to make space for new ones. I heard that “old” products are going to be on shelves of the stores only 9 more days, and I also heard that clearance sales have already began. So it’s a good time to make supplies. This year, these products are leaving us :
Colour&go quick drying nail polish - 02, 21, 22, 31, 37, 40, 52, 57
Nail art freestyle tip painter (07)
Nail glue pen
French glam nail sticker (01)
Quick shine nail lotion
Nail art special effect topper (04)
Glitter nail hardener
High shine top coat
Matt top coat
Glitter top coat
+ + + Multi Dimension XXXL shine nail polish (all)
Moje pitanje za vas je : sta planirate da kupite, ili sta ste vec kupile? Imate neku preporuku za mene? Najvise mi je zao sto se moramo oprostiti sa XXXL lakovima. Na mojoj listi, za sad su oni sigurno (jos nisam odlucila boje, posto nisam mogla da nadjem paletu boja na sajtu) kao i C&G 52. Sta je jos “must have”?
My question for you is : what are you planning to buy or what did you already bought? Do you have any suggestions for me? I’m really sorry that we have to say goodbye to XXXL polishes. They are certainly on my shopping list (I still didn’t decide about the color, since I couldn’t find color chart on their web), and also C&G 52. What else is “must have”?
I da bude barem jedna lepa vest… Nadolaze nam dve nove kolekcije : Natventurista (o, kako je tesko zapamtiti ovo ime) i Urban Messages. Od stvari za nokte, stize nam ovo :
And to give you one good news… There are two upcoming collections : Natventurista (oh, how hard it is to remember this name) and Urban Messages. Here are the things for nails :
Pa, hocete li sacuvati pare za nove lakove, kupiti stare dok ih jos ima ili i jedno i drugo?
So, are you going to save the money for new polishes, buy the old ones while they’re still in stores, or both options?
Posto vidim da je polu-mesec french opet u modi, odlucila sam da ga isprobam. Nije bilo bas uspesno. Prva greska koju sam napravila bila je nedovoljan kontrast boja. Naime, na gornju polovinu nokta sam namazala Essence – Meet You in Budapest, a na donju french liniju tamno plavu akrilnu boju. Kontrast se skoro ni nije video a i linije su bile pomalo neravne. Evo pogledajte…
Since I saw that half-moon french is IN again, I decided to try it out. It wasn’t successful. First mistake that I made was lack of color contrast. On the top half of the nail I applied Essence – Meet You in Budapest, and on the bottom french-line - dark blue acrylic paint. Contrast was almost invisible, and the lines were little bit uneven. Take a look…
Kako bi ispravila gresku, usudila sam se da isprobam jedan lak koji mi je tata kupio. Lak je kineski, i cak ni ime mu ne mogu procitati. Moze biti QV, QN, ili nesto trece. Ako mozete da vidite koje je to drugo slovo, kazite mi da znam :). Jedino sto vidim je da je boja broj 114.
I wanted to correct mistake, so I dared to try out one polish that my Dad bought me. Polish is Chinese, and I can’t even read it’s name. It can be QV, QN, or something third. If you can read that second letter, tell me :). Only thing that I see is color number 114.
Kao sto vidite, rec je o plavicastoj boji, koja na noktima vuce na sivu, prepunoj srebrnkastog i plavog shimmera. Lako se nanosi, tako da sam uspela da ga lepo namazem samo jednim slojem. Najveci problem : smrdi jako. Ovo nije ona vrsta smrada koji mozete da izluftirate ako otvorite prozor, zato sto on ostaje na noktima. Tako da sa ovim lakom postoji jedno pravilo : ruke sto dalje od nosa! Kada bolje razmislim, ovo je mozda dobro resenje za ljude koji grickaju nokte, zato sto je miris stvarno nepodnosljiv. Ali boja – prelepa.
As you can see, it’s a bluish color, that can look gray on nails, filled with silver and blue shimmer. It’s easy to apply, so I needed only one coat. Biggest problem : bad smell. This isn’t that kind of bad smell that can disappear when you open your windows, because it stays on your nails. So with this polish, there is one rule : hands as far away from the nose! When I think about it, this is perhaps a good solution for people who bite their nails, because the smell is really unbearable. But the color - beautiful.
Sta mislite o ovom laku? Jeste ga probale? Koliko je stvarno los moj half-moon?
Posto sam ovih dana u raspolozenju lose volje, i nedostatka inspiracije, zadovoljna sam i ovim :).
What do you think about this polish? Did you tried it? How truly bad is my half-moon?
Since these days I’m in the mood of lack of will and inspiration, I’m satisfied with this :).
Dve stvari su mi se dogodile kada sam se u nedelju vratila sa odmora. Prva, lap top mi se pokvario i bio na servisu do juce. To je i razlog zasto me nije bilo ovih dana, iako mogu vam reci bilo je osvezavajuce provesti vreme bez interneta. Drugo, moja tetka je imala rodjendan na kom sam imala nail art koji cu vam pokazati danas. Ovog puta, umetnica je bila moja mama. Sigurno znate kako je tesko crtati levom rukom (ako ste desnjak, i obrnuto), te mi je mama priskocila u pomoc i iscrtala mi i nokte na rukama i na nogama. Da bi razumele nail art, morate videti haljinu prvo :).
Two things happened to me when I came back from vacation on Sunday. First one, my lap top died and he was in service till yesterday. That’s the reason why I haven’t been here these days, but I can tell you it was kind of refreshing spending time without internet. Second one, my aunt had a birthday, where I had a nail art that I will show you today. This time, artist was my mother. You probably know how hard it is to draw with your left hand (if you are right-handed, and reversed), so my mother helped and draw my toes and hands nails. To understand nail art, you have to see a dress first :)
Za podlogu smo koristile Essence- I like iz Blossoms etc… kolekcije zato sto je indenticna boji podloge na haljini. A onda ruze. Sa akrilnim bojama mama se odlicno snasla, i smatram da je odradila vrhunski posao.
For base we used Essence – I like from Blossoms etc.… collection because it’s identical color like the base of the dress. And then roses. Mum had no trouble with acrylic paints, and I think she did an amazing job.
Pa, sta mislite? Toliko mi se ovo svidelo da ih i dalje imam :)
So, what do you think? I like this so much, I still have them :)
Trazile ste, dobile ste. Sve cu napisati anonimno, a ako neko zeli da njegov/njen obrisem, samo mi napisite u mail-u :).
You asked for this, so here you are. I will wrote it anonymously, but if someone wants me to remove hers/his, just write a e-mail :).
1. Clowns really freak me out.
2. Until I was 30 years old, I didn’t know are my eyes brown or green. Then someone told me that color name is Hazel.
3. Hm...I'm afraid of porcelain dolls. o_O
4. I am an actress and I love to read. I got to meet Lisa Desrochers last week, author of the Personal Demons trilogy.
5. I am from Bulgaria, but my boyfriend is Serbian and I am trying to learn to speak Serbian!
6. I am obsessed with all things French, no idea why but if it has something to do with France I'll love it! :)
7. I am very flexible, I can do the splits and my party trick is to do a backbend backward chest role. It freaks people out.
8. I can put my legs behind my head.
9. I can speak Japanese, my half-Japanese friend thinks its so funny since I'm like the only black person in our class who's from Nigeria XD.
10. I can wiggle my nose up & down!
11. I collect shot glasses.
12. I eat my French Fries in size order, from smallest to largest, but only if I pour them out of the container. If they are still in the box/bag, I eat them in random order, lol.
13. I have nail polish for every outfit.
14. I know a few hundred songs by heart!! I don't know why, I just learn the lyrics naturally ^^.
15. I like to look at butterflies but I’m actually so afraid of them :D.
16. I love soundtracks, they make up most of the music on my iPod.
17. I love to watch professional wrestling.
18. I must always be balanced. For example: if I left a round turn, then I always clockwise in a circle. Or when my left knee bumps to something, I with my right knee still somewhere (with the same force) bump.
19. I never had a boyfriend from/living in my own country. Seems like I have to move abroad ;).
20. I own more than 50 pairs of jeans...
21. I read newspapers in the bathroom:D.
22. I was born with a tooth!
23. I work at the largest Titanic Museum Attraction in the world!
24. I'm the mad cat woman in my street!!
25. I have a grey forelock since I was a little girl, but my hair is so bushy, so nobody can’t see it most of the time.
26. I can yawn (not faking) when I want. And to move my ears :)
27. My cat knows how to play fetch.
28. My favorite animals are lizards.
29. My tongue gets itchy when I eat kiwi fruit! :)
30. I can’t believe there is someone else who likes to read this.
Stvarno mi je vec dosta ovog manjka suncanih dana, pa sam pokusala da “prizovem” sunce pravim letnjim noktima. Kao podlogu, koristila sam Evri 65, lak koji se navodno proizvodi u Bugarskoj, sudeci po deklaraciji. Nemam pojma odakle mi :). Nisam nesto zadovoljna ovim lakom, dosta se tesko maze zbog vodenaste formule, ali sam uspela da dostignem punu pokrivenost posle 4 sloja.
Preko njega, sam nacrtala vodoravne i horizontalne linije, neonsko zutim lakom Golden Rose Nail Art #115.
I am really sick of this lack of sunny days, so I tried to “summon” the Sun with perfect Summer nails. As base, I used Evri 65, polish that is made in Bulgaria, according to declaration. I don’t even know where I bought it and when :). I’m not satisfied with it, it’s hard to apply because of watery formula, but I manage to achieve full opaque after 4 layers.
Over it, I draw vertical and horizontal lines, with neon yellow polish Golden Rose Nail Art #115.
Ima li sunca kod vas? Sta mislite, jesu li savrseni za leto?
Is there Sun in your country? What do you think, is this perfect for Summer?
Danas, jos jedan Golden Rose - 312. Imam ga vec duze vreme, ali jednostavno nije stizao na red za swatch. Nekako, uvek kad sam ga uzela u ruke bilo je pod losim osvetljenjem, i nije mi se cinio nista poseban. Ali verujte mi, prelep je kad se gleda pod odredjenim uglom. Boja je ljubicasta, ali neka cudna nijansa. Ono sto je predivno – u sebi ima crvenog shimmera koji sija kao lud. Retko koji Golden Rose lakovi imaju tu osobinu da su isti u bocici kao i na noktu. Ovaj je jedan od tih. Posle samo 2 sloja, dobila sam punu prekrivenost ovih mojih ogromnih noktiju. Onima koji imaju krace nokte, verovatno bi bio dovoljan jedan sloj. Pogledajte ovu lepotu :
Today, another Golden Rose –312. I have it for a while, but it just wasn’t it’s turn for swatching. Somehow, always that I took it in my hands, it was under the bad light and it wasn’t seems special. But trust me, it is gorgeous when you look at him under specific angles. Color is purple, but with strange shade. What is amazing with this polish is that it has red shimmer that shines like crazy. You can rarely find Golden Rose polishes that have feature that they are same in the bottle like they are on nails. This one is one of them. After only 2 layers, I got full opaque even on my long nails. For those of you who have shorter nails, you will probably need just one. Check out this beauty :
Slikala sam i sa blicem i bez njega, kako posto se pod razlicitom kolicinom svetlosti vidi razlicita kolicina tog crvenkastog shimmera.
Cisto da ne bude sam, napravila sam french ljubicastim mat lakom iz Avona – Violetta, a na prstenjaku sam nacrtala tackice istim lakom.
I took a pictures with flash and without it, just because it depends of lightening how much of those red shimmer you will see.
I didn’t wanted to leave it alone, so I made a french manicure with purple Avon Mat – Violetta, and on a ring finger I draw dots with the same polish.
Stvarno mi se svidja mat french. A vama?
I really like this matt french. Do you?
Priznajem da sam se malo smirila prilikom kupovina lakova. Ako vas interesuje kako to da uspete – jednostavno je. Ne idite nigde gde postoje da se kupe lakove, makar to bio i supermarket. Narocito sam smanjila kupovinu Golden Rose lakova zato sto ih imam previse, a ni ne znam koje sve boje imam. Jedine koje sam obecala sebi da cu kupiti ako naletim na njih su Chameleon Effect, Holo i Graffiti. Od Holo i Graffiti i dalje ni traga ali sam naisla na ove Chameleon Effect, nazalost samo izmedju dve boje sam imala da biram, zlatne i zelene. Verovatno pretpostavljate – uzela sam oba.
Za danas sam vam odlucila pokazati ovaj zlatni, broj 20 – vise mi se svidela boja. E sad, ne znam sta vi mislite o kameleon lakovima, ali moja ocekivanja su bila da ce on na svetlosti da se presijava u drugu boju. Kod ovog laka ja to nisam primetila. Cetkica mu je super, ali je sav vodenast sto je otezalo aplikaciju i zahtevalo 4 sloja posle kojih jos uvek nisam dobila punu prekrivenost (vide se vrhovi noktiju i dalje). Sve u svemu, ja ne vidim ni K od kameleon u ovom laku. Cak sam pokusala i da stavim ruke na plavu podlogu ocekujuci da ce mozda dobiti plavicasti sjaj, ali nista ni od toga. Po meni, ovo je kao i svaki drugi zuto – zlatni lak.
I calm down a little bit with a polish shopping. If you are interested in how to succeed in that – it’s simple. Avoid places that sells them, even some supermarkets. I primary try to shop less Golden Rose polishes, because I have too many of them and I don’t even know which colors I have. Only GRs that I promised myself that I will bye when I see them are from Holo, Graffiti and Chameleon Effect. I still can’t find Holo’s and Graffiti but I have found Chameleon Effect, unfortunately there was only two color – gold and green. You can guess – I bought both of them.
For today I decided to show you gold one, number 20 – I liked the color a lot. Now, I don’t know what do you think of chameleon polishes, but my expectations were that they will change color on the different light. I didn’t noticed it. Brush is pretty good, but it’s kind of watery and that makes the application hard. I had to apply 4 layers and even after that I couldn’t achieve total opaque (you can still see tips). Anyway, I don’t see even C of Chameleon in this polish. I even try to put my hands on blue pad thinking that it will get bluish, but nothing from that. At my opinion, this is like every other yellow-gold polish.
Na kraju sam dodala i par cirkona i sarica akrilnom bojom. Kako vam se svidja ovaj lak? Jeste li probale neke “Kameleon” lakove?
At the end, I added few rhinestones and lines with acrylic color. Do you like this polish? Did you tried any “Chameleon” polishes?