Prvo smo isprobale pink nokte (posto je to njena omiljena boja), sa Siljom, i gliterima. Pink lak koji smo probale je Essence – Love of Pink. Ako vam se svidja, imate jos samo par dana da pokusate da ga nadjete, posto ga posle toga nece biti. Gliteri su najlepsi koje imam – Flor Mar 010. Pogledajte kako je to ispalo :)
Hi girls. First, I want to “excuse” myself for not being here. I had a little accident with hot coffee that ends up on my body and legs, so I was able to be in only one position – lying on bed. Now when I can finally get up, I made my boyfriend's sister nails for her 11th birthday. She had a party, so we tried two different combination, and you will see which was final one.
First we tried a pink nails (since it’s her favorite color), with Goofy and Glitter. Pink polish that we used was Essence – Love of Pink. If you like it, you have only few more days to buy it, since it’s not going to be in sale later. Glitters are the most beautiful that I have – Flor Mar 010. Check out how that came out :)
Prva slika je malo muta, ali se najbolje vide multi-chrome glitteri.
Ono sto nije valjalo kod ove kombinacije je to sto se nije slagala sa haljinom. Haljina je bila svetlo ljubicasta sa tamno ljubicastim visnjama, pa smo probale to da prenesemo i na nokte. Za podlogu smo koristile Golden Rose 309, visnje smo nacrtale akrilnim bojama, i dodale smo par srebrnim straseva i ljubicastih cirkona u obliku srca. Slika je malo losijeg kvaliteta, ali napolju je bio mrak pa smo morale da se posluzimo unutrasnjim svetlom.
First picture is a little bit blurry, but multi-chrome glitters are most visible that way.
What was wrong with this combination was it didn’t match with a dress. Dress was light purple with dark purple cherries, so we tried to apply that on her nails. For base, we used Golden Rose 309, cherries was drawn with acrylic colors, and we added a few silver lines and purple rhinestone in heart shape. Picture have a little bit bad quality but outside was dark so we had to use indoor light.
I to je bila finalna. Meni se dopada, a i njoj. Sta vi mislite?
And that was the final one. I like it, and so is she. What do you think?
Meni su prvi ljepsi, Silja mi se svidja kao i prvi put :)
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