Maybe you read somewhere that Essence is going to stop selling a big number of their products to make space for new ones. I heard that “old” products are going to be on shelves of the stores only 9 more days, and I also heard that clearance sales have already began. So it’s a good time to make supplies. This year, these products are leaving us :
Colour&go quick drying nail polish - 02, 21, 22, 31, 37, 40, 52, 57
Nail art freestyle tip painter (07)
Nail glue pen
French glam nail sticker (01)
Quick shine nail lotion
Nail art special effect topper (04)
Glitter nail hardener
High shine top coat
Matt top coat
Glitter top coat
+ + + Multi Dimension XXXL shine nail polish (all)
Moje pitanje za vas je : sta planirate da kupite, ili sta ste vec kupile? Imate neku preporuku za mene? Najvise mi je zao sto se moramo oprostiti sa XXXL lakovima. Na mojoj listi, za sad su oni sigurno (jos nisam odlucila boje, posto nisam mogla da nadjem paletu boja na sajtu) kao i C&G 52. Sta je jos “must have”?
My question for you is : what are you planning to buy or what did you already bought? Do you have any suggestions for me? I’m really sorry that we have to say goodbye to XXXL polishes. They are certainly on my shopping list (I still didn’t decide about the color, since I couldn’t find color chart on their web), and also C&G 52. What else is “must have”?
I da bude barem jedna lepa vest… Nadolaze nam dve nove kolekcije : Natventurista (o, kako je tesko zapamtiti ovo ime) i Urban Messages. Od stvari za nokte, stize nam ovo :
And to give you one good news… There are two upcoming collections : Natventurista (oh, how hard it is to remember this name) and Urban Messages. Here are the things for nails :
Pa, hocete li sacuvati pare za nove lakove, kupiti stare dok ih jos ima ili i jedno i drugo?
So, are you going to save the money for new polishes, buy the old ones while they’re still in stores, or both options?
Komaj čakam na nove stvari! :)
ReplyDeleteI really don't understand why..
ReplyDeleteYou can't tell me that polishes like out of my mind or matte top coat aren't sold?
They had a lot of success!!
Jaz verjetno ne bom kupila ničesar na znižanju, bom raje počakala na nove stvari. Poleg tega pa prihaja k nam celotno Catrice stojalo, kar bo spet udarilo po žepu.
ReplyDeleteUrban Messages LE mi je zelo všeč, ampak je baje ne bo k nam, kakor slišim.
meni je žao što izbacuju kompletne xxl lakove :-(
ReplyDeletenovi izgledaju dobro, pitanje je što ću uhvatit ;-)
Ja sam baš išla pre dva dana u DM da kupim ova dva color & go u sredini (just rock it i hypnotic poison), ali ih nije bilo. :( Mnogo mi se sviđaju obe boje. Da li još uvek postoji šansa da ih negde nađem? (BG) I malo je razočaravajuće što su bočice od po samo 5 ml. :/
@rock-or-not I can't understand them too. They are acting crazy :(
ReplyDelete@Taya I ja jedva cekam urban :)
@NC ja sam svesna da cu nove cekati bar jos pola godine - godinu, tako da mislim da cu da pokupujem sve XXXL. Steta propustiti :(
@A Trebalo bi da imas sanse. Pogledaj tamo gde su dupli standovi (ako ti trebaju adrese, javi mi se na mail). Kako sam ja cula, bice svega do 1.9.