Jun 27, 2012

Diving in Pink

Danas sam imala lud (u pozitivnom smislu) dan, ali nazalost, kasno sam dosla kuci, pa nemam vremena ni snage da sredjujem slike. Postavicu sutra :). 
Nokte sam danas nalakirala u pink. Ne znam zasto, ali sam se osecalo nekako zivo sa ovom bojom. Dva sloja theBalm - Don't Pink and Drive. Swatch ovog laka ste mogli da vidite ovde. Na njega sam prvo stavila Essence - Let's Get Lost sundjerom, ali mi se nije svidelo. Znate vec da ja ne volim te "namerno neuredne" nail artove. Onda sam izvukla par srebrnih linija sa Sinful Color - Fashionista, plavih sa Golden Rose #110 i dodala pink cirkone. Napokon, nesto sto ne izgleda tako lose :).

Today I had a crazy (in a good way) day, but unfortunately, I got home late, so I didn't had time or strength to upload images. I will show you tomorrow :).
I polished my nails in pink today. I don't know why, but I felt live with it. Two coats of the Balm - Don't Pink and Drive. You could see swatch of this nail polish here. First, I added on top of it little bit of Essence - Let's Get Lost with sponge, but I didn't like it. You know I don't like those "intentionally messy" nail art. Then I draw some silver lines with Sinful Color - Fashionista, blue ones with Golden Rose #110 and added round pink rhinestones. Finally, something that doesn't look that bad :).

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Sta mislite? Da li vam se svidja?

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