Dec 31, 2012

New Year Wishes!

Za poslednji dan u ovoj godini, pripremila sam za vas nail art koji sadrzi sve ono sto vama zelim u sledecoj godini... Dobro zdravlje, mnogo radosti, puno novca, uspeha, srece, ljubavi, i naravno, lakova za nokte :).

For the last day in this year, I prepared for you nail art that have all things that I wish for you in the next year... Health, lots of joy, money, success, love, luck, and of course, nail polishes :).


Lepo se provedite veceras :)

Have a great time tonight :).

Dec 30, 2012

Nail Mail, Haul and Presents in December

Ovaj mesec, vise sam castila sebe sa novim lakovima, ali neki su stigli i postom, neke sam dobila na poklon. Ima ih poprilicno mnogo, tako da, pripremite se za spam slikama :).

This month, there were few hauls, some nail polishes were in nail mail, and some I got in presents. There are lot of them, so prepare yourself for picture spam :).


Obozavam kremice za ruke, pogotovo sa neobicnim mirisima, a ove dve kremice i turpiju sam dobila od deckove mame za Bozic :).

I love hand creams, especially those with a nice smell, and these two hand creams and nail file, I got from my boyfriends mother for Christmas :).


Takodje, od nje sam dobila i dva laka za nokte iz Oriflame-a  : Mint Pear i Ply Purple.

Also, I got from her two nail polishes : Oriflame - Mint Pear and Oriflame - Ply Purple.


Tu je i lak koji sam dobila postom od Born Pretty Store-a... Ylin Mood - Purple/Pink.

There is also a nail polish that I got in nail mail from Born Pretty Store... Ylin Mood - Purple/Pink.


Tri laka koja sam dobila postom iz kkcenterhk. Treci sam zaboravila da uslikam, ali svakako ste imale priliku da ih sve vec vidite na mojim noktima :). MyViven - Grape Purple, MyViven - Galaxy Grey, i MyViven - Green Dot & Star (nije na slici). 

Three nail polishes that I got in nail mail from kkcenterhk. I forgot to take picture of the third one, but you already had the chance to see them all on my nails :). MyViven - Grape Purple, MyViven - Galaxy Grey, and MyViven - Green Dot & Star (not on picture). 


Novi dodatak mojim holo lakovima... China Glaze - BFF, China Glaze - FYI i China Glaze - TTYL.

New add on to my holo collection... China Glaze - BFF, China Glaze - FYI and China Glaze - TTYL.


Plan je bio da uzmem samo dva laka iz ove kolekcije, ali posto sam imala retku priliku da ih vidim sve u prodavnici, morala sam sve i da ih kupim :). Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn II kolekcija : Edward's Love, A Piece of Forever, Alice Had a Vision - again, i Jacob's Protection. 

Plan was to buy only two polishes from this collection, but I had a rare chance to see them all in store, and I had to buy them all :). Essence Twilight Breaking Dawn II collection : Edward's Love, A Piece of Forever, Alice Had a Vision - again, and Jacob's Protection. 


Kupila sam i tri Essence laka iz njihove nove Colour&Go kolekcije, a uspela sam da nadjem na akciji i dva iz stare :). Essence - Got a Secret, Essence - I love Bad Boys, Essence - Walk on the Wild Side, Essence - Free Hugs i Essence - Date With the Night. 

I also bought a three Essence nail polishes from their new Colour&Go line, and I found two on sale two from the old line :). Essence - Got a Secret, Essence - I love Bad Boys, Essence - Walk on the Wild Side, Essence - Free Hugs and Essence - Date With the Night. 


Takodje na akciji... Essence Colour3 - A Walk in the Park, Essence (Marble Mania) - Peaches, i Essence (Season of Extreme 2X) - It's two Bright.  

Also on the sale... Essence Colour3 - A Walk in the Park, Essence (Marble Mania) - Peaches, and Essence (Season of Extreme 2X) - It's two Bright.  


A ove sam kupila od jedne devojke sa Limunda :). Catrice - It's Rambo No.5, Catrice - Jade is Not my Name, Catrice - Captain Sparrow's Boat, Essence - Did Someone Say Nude? i Essence - Nude Rules!

And these I got from a girl on our version of ebay :). Catrice - It's Rambo No.5, Catrice - Jade is Not my Name, Catrice - Captain Sparrow's Boat, Essence - Did Someone Say Nude? i Essence - Nude Rules!


Poslednja tri, dobila sam u Bozicnom paketicu od tetke :). Elegant  #360, Gabrini #381 i Elegant #367.

Last three, I got in a Christmas present from my aunt :). Elegant #360, Gabrini #381 and Elegant #367.


Sta ste vi dobile/kupile ovog meseca? 

What have you bought/got this month?

Dec 29, 2012

Rhinestone Picker Wax Pen

Kada sam videla ovu olovku na sajtu Born Pretty Store-a, priznajem da me je jako zaintrigiralo cemu sluzi. Kaze na sajtu : Rhinestone Picker Wax Pen. Ne znam za vas, ali ja cesto izbegavam da koristim cirkone zato sto mi duze treba da uzmem i postavim cirkone na ono mesto koje je po meni savrseno, nego da nacrtam nesto jednostavno :). A da ne pricam o onom mucenju sa pincetom ili cackalicom... U paketu dobijete dve ovakve olovke, koje morate da zarezete pre upotrebe. 

When I saw this pen on Born Pretty Store web page, I admit I was intrigued what does it do. It's called : Rhinestone Picker Wax Pen. I don't know about you, but I often avoid using rhinestones just because it takes longer to pick and place it on a right spot, then to draw something simple :). In this package, you get two of this pens, but you have to sharpen them before use.


Nalakirala sam nokte sa Art de Lautrec #99, a zatim pokusala da uhvatim jedan cirkon iz klasera...

I painted my nails with Art de Lautrec #99, and then tried to pick one rhinestone from a wheel...


...ali nista se nije dogodilo. Jednostavno, nije htelo da radi. A onda mi je mama dala jedan savet, i upalilo je :). Trik je u sledecem : pre nego sto pokusate da uhvatite cirkon, protrljajte malo olovku kroz kosu (kako bi se naelektrisala), i uspecete. Ne morate ovo ponavljati pred svaki cirkon, dovoljno je na svakih 4-5.

...but nothing happened. I thought it doesn't work. And then my mum gave me an advice, and it work perfectly :). Point is : before you try to pick rhinestone, scrub pen a little bit with your hair (to make electricity), and it will work as a charm. You don't have to repeat that before every rhinestone, after every 4-5 of them is enough. 


Pomocu olovke, uspela sam da uhvatim svaki cirkon, i da ga stavim na mesto koje ja zelim. 

With this pen, I managed to catch every single rhinestone, and put it on a place that I want.


Po mom misljenju, ovakva olovka se mora imati. Pogotovu kada pogledate cenu koja je oko 180 dinara za dve olovke. A kada uracunate i 10% popust sa kodom KQL91, izadje oko 160 dinara. Jos jedan proizvod iz Born Pretty Store-a koji cu sa zadovoljstvom cesto koristiti :).

In my opinion, this pen is must have. Especially when you look at price which is 1.99$ for two pens. And when you calculate this 10% discount with coupon code KQL91, it's 1.79$. This is one of many products from Born Pretty Store that I will use often with pleasure :).

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Dec 28, 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge : New Year Eve

Za mene, savrsena Novogodisnja noc podrazumeva savrsen vatromet koji gledate sa dragom osobom i mozda po jedna casa sampanjca :). Nije bilo dileme sta cu crtati kao odgovor na temu "Novogodinja noc" u Winter Holiday izazovu. Pocela sam sa Essence - Edward's Love iz najnovije Breaking Down II kolekcije, zatim sam nacrtala holo vatromete sa Catherine Arley #801, Catherine Arley #806 i Catherine Arley #946, case sampanjca sa theBalm - Silver Spoon Me i ovu nasu novu 2013 godinu sa Essence - A Piece of Forever.

For me, perfect New Year's Eve is perfect firework that you are watching with a perfect person, and maybe a glass of champagne :). I knew what I will draw for theme "New Year Eve" in Winter Holiday challenge since start. I started with Essence - Edward's Love from newest Breaking Down II collection, then I drew holographic fireworks with Catherine Arley #801, Catherine Arley #806 and Catherine Arley #946, glasses of champagne with theBalm - Silver Spoon Me and our new 2013 year with Essence - A Piece of Forever. 


Kako po vama izgleda savrsena Novogodisnja noc? Kakvi su vam planovi ove godine?

What does your perfect New Year's Eve looks like? What are your plans this year?

Dec 27, 2012

Top (2+0+1+2=) 5!

Bio je ovo tezak zadatak, ali sam uspela da se odlucim koji su meni, 5 najlepsih lakova za nokte koje sam probala ove godine, kao i 5 najboljih nail art-ova koje sam napravila. Nisu poredjani po redu, posto bi to stvarno bio jos tezi zadatak za mene :). 

This was a hard task, but I finally made list of 5 prettiest nail polishes that I tried this year, and also a list of 5 best nail arts that I did this year. They are in random order, since I really couldn't decide which one is the best of best. 

Models Own - Disco Mix

Ylin Mood - Magic Purple/Sky Blue Color Changing Mood Nail Polish

Catherine Arley #666

Aura Inches (#321) - Techno

China Glaze - L8R G8R






Koji je najlepsi lak za nokte koje ste vi probale ove godine? Pokazite mi i vaze najbolje nail art-ove u ovoj godini, jedva cekam da ih vidim :).

Which is the prettiest nail polish that you tried this year? Show me your best nail art in this year, I can't wait to see them all :).

Dec 26, 2012

Color Changing Holo Nails

Nisam imala tu srecu da dobijem puno lakica za Bozic, ali mi je jedan stigao bas u vreme Bozica od Born Pretty Store-a. Ovog puta dobila sam jos jedan lak koji menja boju na temperaturu tela, Ylin - Magic Purple/Pink Color Changing Mood Nail Polish. Verovatno vec pretpostavljate kako ovo radi, ali za one koji ne znaju, lak menja boju kada vasa temperatura prstiju predje ispod/iznad 33° C. Kada je temperatura prstiju niza od 33° C, nokti su ljubicasti, a ispod 33° C postaju pink.
Formula laka je pomalo vodenasta, ali savrseno prekriva nokat u 3 sloja. Susi se na mat, ali ga uvek mozete prekriti bezbojnim lakom kako bi dobio sjaj. Ja inace ne testiram vreme koje lak prezivi na noktima, ali ovog puta je moja mama to uradila, i nazalost, ostao joj je na noktima 2 dana (iako je imala top coat). Lak joj se samo od jednom sljustio sa nokta. Ovo nije bio slucaj sa prethodnim Ylin Mood lakom koji smo probale.

I haven't had much luck with getting nail polishes for Christmas, but one has arrived just in time for Christmas from Born Pretty Store. This time, I got another nail polish that changes color depending of body temperature, Ylin - Magic Purple/Pink Color Changing Mood Nail Polish. You probably already know how this works, but for those of you who don't, nail polish changes color when temperature of your fingers is above/below 33° C. When temperature of your fingers is below 33° C, your nail are purple, and when it's above 33° C they are pink.
Formula of nail polish is kind of watery, but it's perfectly opaque in 3 coats. It has matte finish, but you can always cover it with clear nail polish to make it glossy. Usually I don't test wear time of nail polishes, but this time my mother did that, and unfortunately, it stayed on her nails for 2 days (although she had top coat). Polish came off almost at once. This wasn't a case with previous Ylin Mood nail polish that we tried. 


Morala sam da dodam i nesto interesantno :). Odlucila sam se za Essence - Hello Holo i par pink cvetica koji savrseno pristaju uz ovaj lak.

I had to add something to make it more interesting :). I decided for Essence - Hello Holo and few pink flowers that fit perfectly with this nail polish. 


Ja sam stvarno zaljubljena u ove lakove sto menjaju boju u odnosu na raspolozenje. Ako ste i vi, mozete ih naci u Born Pretty Store-u, gde takodje mozete naci mnogo sitnica za nokte i nail art po stvarno jeftinim cenama. Ne zaboravite na kupon kod sa kojim dobijate 10% popusta : KQL91 .

I'm really in love with these mood color changing nail polishes. If you are too, you can find them in Born Pretty Store, and they also have lots of low price stuff for nails and nail art. Don't forget your coupon code for 10% off : KQL91 .

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Dec 25, 2012

12 Days of Christmas : Santa Claus

Prvo, zelela bih da vam svima koji danas slavite Bozic, pozelim srecan praznik :). Ja slavim oba, tako da sam danas imala predivan dan, a nadam se da ste i vi. 
Danas je poslednji dan u izazovu "12 Dana Bozica". Mogu vam reci da sam stvarno uzivala radeci ga, i jedva cekam da zapocnem neki novi nail art izazov :). Danas, tema je Deda Mraz. Bilo mi je bez veze da stoji sam, pa sam dodala i irvasa :). 
Koristila sam lakove : Color Line #92 (za podlogu), Farmasi #80 i Deborah Milano - Red Baroque za saran wrap tehniku, i akrilne boje za deda mraza i irvasa :).

First, I would like to wish you all who are celebrating Christmas today happy holiday :). I celebrate both Christmas, so I had a beautiful day today, and I hope, you were too.
Today is a last day in "12 Days of Christmas" challenge. I can only say that I really enjoyed doing it, and I can't wait to start another nail art challenge :). Today, theme is Santa Claus. I thought it will be boring if there is only Santa on nails, so I added a reindeer too :). 
I used nail polishes : Color Line #92 (for base color), Farmasi #80 and Deborah Milano - Red Baroque for saran wrap technique, and acrylic paints for Santa Claus and reindeer :).


Nadam ste da ste uzivale u svim nail art-ovima u ovom izazovu :). Devojke sa kojima sam ga radila su stvarno uradile predivne manikire, i iskreno, ja sam uzivala.

I hope you enjoyed in all nail arts in this challenge :). Girls with who I did this, made really gorgeous manicures, and to be honest, I really enjoyed.

Dec 24, 2012

12 Days of Christmas : Tinsel

Jos malo pa ce Bozic, a takodje i kraj ovog nail art izazova. Danasnju temu kada sam procitala sta je ("Tinsel"), stvarno nisam imala predstavu sta trebam da crtam. Srecom, Google uvek pomogne u nevolji. To su oni sareni "bodljikavi" dugacki ukrasi sto se motaju oko jelke. Imamo li mi naziv za to? 
Zapocela sam sa Catherine Arley #267, predivnim zelenim lakom sa sitnim shimmerom (sve dobre lakove koji asociraju na Bozic, ja sam kupila na moru :D), zatim sam te ... tinsele, nacrtala zlatnim Essence - A Piece of Forever, i crvenim Catherine Arley #946, dodala par tackica po njima sa plavim Catherine Arley #251, i srebrnim Essence - Icy Princess, i na kraju sve to prekrila sljokicama Isabelle Dupont #270. 

It's almost Christmas, and also the end of this nail art challenge. When I read what is the theme today ("Tinsel"), I had no idea what do I need to draw. Luckily, Google is always good friend in need. I think we don't have name for that here in Serbia, but we have tinsels :).
I started with Catherine Arley #267, gorgeous green polish with shimmer (I bought all good nail polishes that associate with Christmas while I was at Sea Holiday :D), then I drew tinsels with gold Essence - A Piece of Forever, and red Catherine Arley #946, added a few dots on them with blue Catherine Arley #251, and silver Essence - Icy Princess, and finished with glitters Isabelle Dupont #270.


Obozavam ovaj holo "Tinsel" koji krasi moju jelku. Nazalost, nije bilo sunca, ali verujte mi, on jeste holo. 

I love this holo tinsel that is on my tree. Unfortunately, there were no sun, but trust me, it is holo.