Feb 25, 2013

It’s a Trap-eze In a Circus

Ko kaze da se greske na noktima ne mogu ispraviti? Danas sam krenula da crtam kosnicu. Ideja je bila da to postignem sa watercolor tehnikom, ali nazalost, to nije uspelo. Zatim, smislila sam da mogu nastaviti tako sto cu dodati jos boja i napraviti nesto apstraktno. Kada sam zavrsila, priznajem da je izgledalo kao cirkus. Vec sam bila krenula da obrisem sve, kada sam ugledala China Glaze - It's a Trap-eze na polici. A kakav je to cirkus bez trapeza? Ovaj lak prepun sljokica u mlecnoj bazi je bozanstven!

Who says that you can fix mistakes on your nails? Today I wanted to draw honeycomb. Idea was to achieve that with watercolor technique, but unfortunately that didn't work out. Then, I thought I could continue by adding more different colors and make something abstract  When I finished, it looked like a circus. I was on my way to remove everything, when I saw China Glaze - It's a Trap-eze on my shelf. And what is circus without trapeze? This glitter nail polish in a milky base is gorgeous!

it's a trap-eze
it's a trap-eze 2it's a trap-eze 3 it's a trap-eze 4

Da li imate ovaj lak? Ne razumem samu sebe sto ga nisam isprobala ranije :).

Do you have this nail polish? I don't understand myself, why haven't I tried it earlier.


  1. Malo slici jednom iz JJ kolekcije Golden Rose-a. :) Presladak!

  2. gledam baš fotku na fb i mislim se šta si stavila ispod njega ;)
    meni ovaj lak zbilja izmami osmjeh na lice :D

  3. Amazing mani!!! It's so fun! I hope It's a Trap-eze comes back on stock soon, I need it!
