Dec 12, 2012

12 Days of Christmas : How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Za danasnju temu u "12 Dana Bozica" izazovu sam bila totalno neinspirisana. "Praznicni film". Toliko ih je koje sam gledala, koji su mi se svideli, ali me ni jedan od njih nije inspirisao za neko crtanje po noktima. Kao rezervnu ideju, ostavila sam "Kako je Grinc ukrao Bozic". Na kraju, sinoc je bilo kasno za smisljanje nove ideje, tako da sam se odlucila za Grinca.Nije toliko strasan na noktima kao u crtanom filmu :). 
Koristila sam : theBalm - Coral Reef-ined, theBalm - Sky Blue Right Past You, Essence - Love of Pink, Art de Lautrec #461 i akrilne boje.

I was so uninspired about theme in "12 Days of Christmas" that is today. "Holiday Movie". There is so many movies that I watched, so many that I like, but none of them inspired me to do some nail art. As back-up idea, I kept "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". In the end, last night was late for thinking about new ideas, so I decided to go with Grinch. He's not that scary on nails like he's in cartoon :). 
I used :  theBalm - Coral Reef-ined, theBalm - Sky Blue Right Past You, Essence - Love of Pink, Art de Lautrec #461 and acrylic paints. 


Jeste li gledale ovaj crtani? Kako vam se dopada nail art? Ne zaboravite da pogledate i sta su ostale devojke uradile na ovu temu, ja se nadam nekim dobrim preporukama za filmove koje nisam odgledala vec :).

Have you watched this cartoon? What do you think about nail art? Don't forget to check what other girls did on this theme, I'm hoping for some good recommendations for movies that I haven't already watched :). 


  1. nije tako strašan, ali vidi koliko detalja ima... svaka čast :D

  2. This is amazing! Your freehand skills are awesome!

  3. cute! You def have great sense of creativity. Great job!

  4. wow!!!!!!! i am in love with your version! i also love your base colour! super well done! xxxxx
