Dec 22, 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge : Santa and Elves

Tesko je raditi dva izazova u isto vreme, zbog poklapanja datuma, tako da sam ovog puta morala malo da poranim.
Ne mogu vam ni opisati koliko sam se zabavila crtajuci danas :). U Zimskom Bozicnom izazovu, tema je Deda Mraz i patuljci. Na internetu je toliko razlicitih slika patuljaka, da mi je bilo tesko da odaberem po uzoru na koje da crtam. Odlucila sam da uzmem od svakog patuljka po nesto, i napravim svoje :). Nalakirala sam Essence - Found My Love, na cetvrti nokat Art de Lautrec #421, igrala se malo sa akrilnim bojama i na kraju sve zacinila gliterima theBalm - Sugar Coat It. 

It's hard to do two challenges at the same time, because of the same dates, so I had to do this a little bit earlier.
I can't even describe you how much fun I had today while I was drawing :). In Winter Holiday Challenge, theme is Santa Claus and Elves. On internet there are so many pictures of different elves, so it was hard to choose those who I will draw. I decided to take something from each elf, and make my own elves :). I applied Essence - Found My Love, Art de Lautrec #421 on accent nail, played a little bit with acrylic paints and spiced it all with glitters theBalm - Sugar Coat It. 


Meni je najsladji Deda Mraz, a vama? Nemojte zaboraviti da pogledate i ove predivne noktice koje su devojke crtale na ovu temu : 

I think Santa is cutest, and you? Don't forget to check out all those wonerful nail art that girls did on this theme :