Dec 20, 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge : Reindeer and Sleigh

Danas je sesti dan Zimskog Bozicnog izazova, a tema su irvasi i sanke. Bilo mi je glupo da nacrtam prazne sanke, jer, sta bi onda irvasi vukli, pa sam dodala i Deda Mraza i poklone :). A irvasi, sta reci o njima... osim onog sto cete i same videti... vise lice na neke kamile nego na irvase :).
Podloga je Barielle - Slate of Affairs (koji ste mogle videti OVDE), a ostalo sam crtala akrilnim bojama. Naravno, dodala sam i sljokice, moj omiljeni glitter lak ove zime : theBalm - Sugar Coat It!

Today is the sixth day of Winter Holiday Challenge, and theme is "Reindeer and Sleigh". I thought it is stupid to draw empty sleigh, because, what would reindeer pull, so I added Santa Clause and presents :). And reindeer  what can I tell you about them... except the thing you will see yourself... they look more like camels than reindeer :).
Base color is Barielle - Slate of Affairs (which you could saw HERE), and I drew everything with acrylic paints. Of course, I added some glitters, my favorite glitter nail polish this winter : theBalm - Sugar Coat It!


Nadam se da cu uspeti da nacrtam bolje irvase sledeci put :). Hajde da pogledamo i sta su druge devojke uradile :).

I hope I will manage to draw better reindeer next time :). Let's take a look at what other girls did today :).


  1. ahahahha, umrla sam od smijeha na ove tvoje irvase... jadni su tako umorni da su i jezike isplazili :D
    preslatka manikura, svaka čast :D

  2. Totally CUTE! I love the lil tongues hanging out. lol

  3. It's gorgeous, cute, elegant and festive!
