Dec 8, 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge : Gingerbread man

Juce je tema u Winter Holiday Challenge-u bila "Gingerbread man and candy canes". Ovi mali coveculjci od kolacica mi nisu uspeli prosle godine, pa tako nisu ni ove. Jednostavno, na slikama su tako slatki a na noktima mi se nikako ne svidjaju. Nacrtala sam 4 razlicita Gingerbread-a, i samo mi se jedan (ovaj kuvar) donekle svidja :). Od boja sam koristila lak Oriflame - Mint Pear kao podlogu (vise o njemu drugi put), i akrilne boje za sve ostalo.

Yesterday, theme in Winter Holiday Challenge was "Gingerbread man and candy canes". This little cookie man wasn't nice last year, and they're not nice this year. It's just, they look so cute on pictures  but I don't like how they look on nails. I drew 4 different Gingerbread man, but I only like one (chef one :) ). When it comes to colors, I used nail polish Oriflame - Mint Pear as base color (I'll tell you more about it some other time), and acrylic paints for everything else.


Da li se vama dopadaju ovi kolacici? Nemojte da zaboravite da pogledajte sta su devojke napravile na ovu temu :).

Do you like these cookies? Don't forget to check what other girls did on this theme :).


  1. Vsi štirje so zelo "cute". :D Všeč mi je zelen lak, ki si ga uporabila kot podlago.

  2. ajme kako su ti slatki, sve bih ih pojela ;)

  3. Awe, these turned out so cute!

  4. They look so amazing! I love the one with the chef hat hehe

  5. Nemoj bit tako stroga prema sebi,meni super izgledaju!

  6. They look so amaizing!, unbeliavable!!!!!

  7. Awww, I love these!!! They are just so darn cute!
