Dec 11, 2012

Winter Holiday Challenge : Festival of Lights

"Festival svetlosti" je danasnja tema u "Winter Holiday" izazovu. Kada to povezem sa Bozicem, jedino na sta me podseca su one male lampice koje se stavljaju na jelku. Moje su jednostavne, ne svetle u mraku ali su barem sarene. Podloga je Essence -  Grand-Plie In Black, a lampice sam crtala akrilnim bojama.

"Festival of lights" is theme in "Winter Holiday Challenge" today. When I connect that with Christmas, only thing that I can remember are those lights that you put on Christmas tree. My are simple, they don't glow in the dark, but at least they are colorful. Base color is Essence - Grand-Plie In Black, and I made lights with acrylic paints.


Pa, nisu bas nesto lepi. Ali devojke sa kojima radim ovaj izazov su napravile stvarno prelepe lampice. Pogledajte ih obavezno :).

So, they're not that nice. But girls who do this challenge with me made some really amazing light decorations. Check them out :).

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! This mani looks so festive. Love the color combos and the design. Great job!
