May 8, 2011

Liebster Blogger Award

2 nagradice u nedelju dana :). 
Liebster Blogger Award sam dobila od Taye i puno joj hvala.

2 awards in a week :).
Liebster Blooger Award I got from Taya and I'm very grateful. 

The Liebster Blog Award is designed for bloggers with less than 300 followers. When you receive this award, you have to link back to the blogger who gave it to you and you have to nominate three other blogs.

I decided to give this award to 3 new nail bloggers that live on Balkan. So I am giving this award to:
Amra from Let's Polish Some Nails :), young nail polish blogger from Bosnia who make very interesting designs.

Nina from nina's nails, girl from Croatia who make very nice swatches and nail designs.

Maki from Candy Glaze, girl from Serbia who does a lot of swatches of our country polishes and many more (without here I wouldn't even know that some brands are made in Serbia :D)


  1. čestitam, krenile te nagrade :-D

  2. Oooo, pa cestitke na nagradi i hvala sto si je proslijedila meni :*
    Mislim da cu ujutro napisati post, opet neka frka s vremenom jbg :)

  3. Hvala ti draga :***
