Posle njega, zelela sam da dodam nesto detinjasto (nedostaju mi te godine…). I zato sam izabrala Silju :).
Last night I was on some rock concert, and I think I was the only one dressed in pink. At least I managed to somehow spice that black and grey world. I don’t know how people can’t realize that music that you like doesn’t have to define your dressing style… And of course, my nails had to be pink :). I chose one of the Single Butterfly Collection No. 102. Although I didn’t remember to swatch it while it was alone on my nails, I can tell you that it is a nice jelly pink color, which you can get in 3 layers. I know it sound like a torturing, but this polishes dry amazingly fast. I think that is their best attribute.
After it, I wanted to add something childish (I miss those years…). And that’s why I chose Goofy :).
Mogu vam reci da mi se svidja kako je ispalo. A vama?
Da li se vas stil oblacenja poklapa sa vasim muzickim ukusom?
I can tell I like it. What do you think?
Does your taste of music match with your dressing style?