May 28, 2012

Swatches of Manhattan - 78T, 51L, 87D

Kada sam vam juce pokazala sta sam sve ove nedelje kupila, MyPerfectLounge je ostavila komentar da joj se najvise svidja tamno plavi Manhattan, a posle i rozi :). Zato sam danas odlucila da vam pokazem sva tri odjednom. Sto se tice opsteg utiska, lakovi imaju svega 7ml, a cetkica im je veoma kratka, siroka i gusta, tako da mi je to otezalo mazanje.
78T je tamno plav, u senci cak pomalo i siv. Nanosi se u dva sloja, mada sam na suncu tek videla da mu ni treci ne bi skodio.

When I showed you yesterday I polishes that I bought this week, MyPerfectLounge left a comment saying that she loves dark blue Manhattan, and rose one too :). That's why I decided to show you all three of them today at once. About all of them, nail polishes have only 7ml, and brush is very short, wide and bushy, so that made it hard to apply. 
78T is dark blue, in shade a little bit grey. It's opaque in two coats, although I noticed in the sun that third coat fit perfectly.

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51L je kremasti lak bebi roze boje. Nanosi se u dva sloja. Boja je lepa, ali ne ide uz moj ten.

51L is cream baby pink nail polish. It's opaque in two coats. Colour is nice, but it doesn't fit on me.

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87D... ocekivala sam najvise od njega, posto mi se ova tirkizno plava boja jako svidela. Nazalost, svaki potez cetkicom je jako vidljiv (vise uzivo nego na slikama). Na mojim noktima su tri sloja laka, mada su dva bila dovoljna, dok sam trecim pokusavala da izbegnem linije koje je on pravio.

87D... I expected most from this one, since I loved that turquoise blue colour. Unfortunately, every brush stroke is visible (more in live, then it's on pictures). On my nails there are three coats of nail polish, although two were enough. I tried to avoid those lines that he makes with third one.

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Jel imate neki Manhattan lak za nokte? Da li vam se dopadaju? Koji preporucujete?

Do you own any Manhattan nail polish? Do you like them? Which one do you recommend?

May 26, 2012

Mood Struck - Teal to Turquoise

Ako ste procitale moj prethodni post, verovatno ste vec pretpostavljale koji lak imam na noktima :). Jos jedan od onih sto menjaju boju u odnosu na raspolozenje (temperaturu). Mood Struck - Teal to Turquoise. Kada su vam nokti topli, oni su nekako svetlo zeleni/svetlo plavi, dok su na hladnim temperaturama tirkizni. Ono sto sam primetila je da, za razliku od onog prethodnog Claire's laka koji menja boju, razlika u bojama kod ovog laka je mnogo manja, jedva primetna. Trebala su dva sloja laka, koji se osusio na mat. Naravno, morala sam da premazem providnim top coat :). 

If you read my previous post, you probably already know what nail polish I have on my nails :). Another one that changes colour based on your mood (temperature). Mood Struck - Teal to Turquoise. When you're nails are hot, they are kind of light green/light blue, while on cold temperature they are turquoise. Thing that I noticed is that, colour difference is less noticeable, unlike it was a case with Claire's Mood Changing nail polish. It took two coats of nail polish, that dried on matte. Of course, I had to apply top coat :).

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Poslednje dve slike su onakve kakvi su mi nokti najcesce bili. Svetli, sa tamnijim vrhovima (posto su vrhovi nokta hladniji od ostatka). Iskreno, ne svidja mi se nesto ova kombinacija. Sta vi mislite?

Last two pictures shows how my nails usually were. Light, with darker tips (since tips are colder than rest of the nails). To be honest, I don't really like this combination. What do you think?

Saturday Haul (delivered as Nail Mail)

Ove nedelje sam opet bila "vredna". Nisam imala vremena da setam po prodavnicama, ali sam kupila od jedne devojke 11 novih lakova i taman su stigli na vreme za danasnji post :). Tu su tri Manhattan laka (moji prvi Manhattan), sest (takodje mojih prvih) Catrice laka i dva Essence laka iz dve stare kolekcije (Nails in Style i Ballerina Backstage). Sve ukupno me je izaslo oko 1300 din (13 eura) :).

This week I was "hardworking" again. I didn't had time to walk through the stores, but I bought from one girl 11 brand new nail polishes and they arrived this morning :). There are three Manhatten nail polishes (my first Manhattan), six (also my first) Catrice nail polishes and two Essence from two old collections (Nails in Style and Ballerina Backstage). All together I paid about 13 euros (15$) :).

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Sto se tice mojih noktiju, upravo ih lakiram, tako da ocekujte da ih vidite kasnije danas :). Hint : menja boju :)

About my nails, I'm polishing them now, so expect to see them later today :). Hint : it changes colour :)

May 24, 2012

Inserting some colours in my life

Iako su ovi dani kisoviti, tuzni, pomalo sivi, treba uneti malo boje u zivot. Doprinosi boljem raspolozenju :). Kada je u pitanju tehnika sa sundjerom, probala sam je jednom, i nije mi se dopalo jer povrsina nokta postane gruba na dodir, sa mnogo tackica i cak ni top coat ne pomaze dovoljno. Zato sam i odustala od nje, dok nisam pronasla ovaj tutorijal na blogu Laynie Fingers. Priznajem da sam bila zaintrigirana, te sam morala da probam :). Nasumicno sam uzela lakove : the Balm - Red From Cover to Cover, Essence - Bad Girl, the Balm - Hella Yella, the Balm - Jade in the USA, i Essence - Let's get lost. Krajnji rezultat nije los, barem je glatko na dodir (naravno, posle top coat-a), ali vas upozoravam da ima mnogo ciscenja da se radi nakon ovoga. 

Althought this days are rainy, sad, kind of grey, we need to insert some colours in a life. Results will be better mood :). When it comes to sponging nails, I tried that once, and I didn't like it because surface of the nail gets all bumpy, with lots of dots and even top coat doesn't help enough. That's why I gave up on that, until I found this tutorial on Laynie Fingers blog. I admit I was intrigued, so I had to try it out :). I randomly picked polishes : the Balm - Red From Cover to Cover, Essence - Bad Girl, the Balm - Hella Yella, the Balm - Jade in the USA, and Essence - Let's get lost. Result isn't that bad, at least it's smooth on touch (of course, after top coat), but I warn you, there is a lot of clean up to do after this. 

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Sta mislite? Hocete li pokusati ovo? 

What do you think? Will you try this?

May 21, 2012

I feel Radioactive

Htela sam danas da nalakiram jos jedan od onih lakova sto menjaju moju u odnosu na raspolozenje, ali vec je padao mrak, pa ne bih imala vremena da ga uslikam u svim varijantama.  A sta je bolje od laka koji svetli u mraku za noc? Zato sam nalakirala nokte sa jos jednim lakom koji sam dobila iz EBALAY Grass Green Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (ili krace Ebalay - Glow - 009). Nalakirala sam tri sloja, i lak se nije hteo osusiti cak ni posle sat vremena. Pretpostavljam da bi se osusio, kada bi ispod njega bila podloga u boji, i samo jedan sloj ovog  laka. 
Na svetlu, nije nista poseban, ali je u mraku stvarno lep. Na kraju sam uspela da nesto i nacrtam preko njega, posto me je zanimao efekat koji cu dobiti, tj da li ce se lak preko njega isto svetleti (nece), ali je efekat veoma zanimljiv :). 

I wanted to try out today one more mood changing nail polish, but it was already late, so I wouldn't had time to take picture of it in a daylight of all versions. And what is better then glow in the dark nail polish for night? That's why I polished my nails with one more nails polish that I got from kkcenterhk.comEBALAY Grass Green Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (or shorter Ebalay - Glow - 009). I applied three coats, and polish didn't dried out completely even after an hour. I suppose it would be dry, if you apply coloured base coat, and then one coat of this polish.
On light, it is nothing special, but in the dark it is very nice. In the end, I managed even to draw something on it, since I wondered what effect will it cause, will nail polish on top of it glow too (it won't), but effect is really interesting :).

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Sta mislite o ovim radioaktivnim noktima? Meni su bas simpaticni :).
Ako zelite ovakav lak, mozete ga naci na kkcenterhk za 9.05$ gde mozete iskoristiti i kod za 10% popust : BLGA343MA10.

What do you think about this radioactive nails? I think they are very cute :)
If you want this kind of polish, you can order it on kkcenterhk for 9.05$ where you can use coupon for 10% discount :  BLGA343MA10.

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy. 

May 20, 2012

Am I flirty or shy? (Mood nail polish)

Ne mogu vam opisati koliko sam uzbudjena sto konacno imam ovaj lak na noktima. Koji? Claire's Mood Color Changing - Flirty/Shy. Ono sto je toliko neobicno kod ovog laka je sto menja boju u odnosu na raspolozenje (tj. temperaturu). Mozda se secate prstena iz mladjih dana koji su radili ovako? Ja sam ih imala mnogo, i obozavala sam ih :). Na hladnijoj temperaturi, ovaj lak je tamno plav (iliti "Flirty"), dok je na toplijoj temperaturi svetlo plav (tj. "Shy"). Otkrila sam da su mi nokti cesto hladni :). 
Lak se nanosi u tri sloja, i susi se na mat. Posto nisam neki fan mat lakova, premazala sam ga sa sjajnim nadlakom, ali ipak cu vam pokazati obe varijante :).

I can't describe you how exited I am to finally have this nail polish on my nails. Which one? Claire's Mood Color Changing - Flirty/Shy. Unusual thing with this one is that it change colour based on your mood (temperature). Maybe you remember rings from younger days that worked like this? I had a lot of them, and I love them :). On cooler temperature, this nail polish is indigo blue ("Flirty"), while on warmer temperature it is sky blue ("Shy"). I discovered that my nails are often cold :).
This nail polish is opaque in three coats, and it dries matte. Since I'm not a fan of matte polishes, I applied top coat over it, but I'll show you both versions :).

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A kada nisam izazivala boje namerno (stavljajuci ih pod hladnu ili toplu vodu), moji nokti su najcesce izgledali ovako :

And when I didn't intentionally induced colours (by putting them in hot or cold water), my nails looked mostly like this : 

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Malo je reci da ih obozavam! Mislim da su savrsena kombinacija za leto, plazu, more... Da li se vama svidja?

I really love it! I think it is perfect combination for summer, beach, sea... Do you like it?

May 19, 2012

Saturday Haul & Nail Mail

Kako sam pocela, moglo bi ovo da mi bude tema za post svake subote :). Ove nedelje, kupila sam 16 lakova (ne brinite, od toga je 7 za menjanje) i dobila jedan paketic iz Amerike :). Pa da krenemo od pocetka, sa gomilom koja je namenjena nekom drugom :). 4 China Glaze laka iz Hunger Games Kolekcije, i tri Essence Special Effect Toppera : Time for Reflection, i dva Glorious Aquarius...

When I see how I spend my money, I realize that this could be usual topic for my post on Saturdays :). This week, I bought 16 polishes (don't worry, 7 of them are for swap), and I got one little package from USA :). So let's go from begging, with bunch of polishes that are for someone else :). 4 China Glaze polishes from Hunger Games Collection, and three Essence Special Effect Toppers : Time for Reflection and two Glorious Aquarius.

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A sad ono za mene :). Dopunila sam i svoju kolekciju Essence Special Effect Toppera, nasla tri mala Miss Selene glitter laka, i kupila dva laka za nokte mami (ona, ne pitajte me zasto, obozava te nude nijanse). Nasla sam i jos jedan divan lak, ali sad vidim da sam zaboravila da ga uslikam, tako da cu ga ubaciti sledece nedelje :).

And now, things for me :). I completed my collection of Essence Special Effect Toppers, found three little Miss Selene glitter polishes, and bought two nail polishes for my mum (she, don't ask me why, love that nude shades). I also found one more gorgeous nail polish, but I forgot to take picture of it, so I will show it to you next week :).

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Essence Special Effect Topper : Disco disco, Night in Vegas, Glorious Aquarius 

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Miss Selene - #173, #165, #170

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Essence Colour&Go - Falling in Love, Essence Nude Glam - Cotton Candy

Volim da ostavim najbolje stvari za kraj... Menjala sam se sa jednom divnom devojkom, Tanyom, i evo sta sam dobila od nje :). Neseser, cestitku, cetiri laka za nokte i mnogo kozmetickih uzoraka :).

I love to leave best thing for the end... I was swapping with a lovely girl Tanya, and here is what I got from here :). Cosmetic bag, card, four nail polishes and a lot of cosmetic samples :)

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Barielle - Slate Of Affairs

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Claire's Mood Color Changing - Flirty/Shy, Mood Struck - Teal to Turquoise, Claire's Mood Color Changing - Calm/Wild

Sta zelite prvo da vidite? Mene najvise zanima kakvi su ovi lakovi sto menjaju boju :).

What do you want to see first? I'm most interested to see what are those mood changing polishes look like :).

May 18, 2012

Miyo – Tropicana

Cula sam rec "Tropikana" vise puta, ali nikada se nisam zapitala sta ta rec znaci. Dok sam lakirala ovaj lak, pomislila sam da nemam pojma sta da nacrtam preko njega kao asocijaciju. Pronasla sam da postoji mnogo diskoteka koje se tako zovu, kazino, koktel i jos mnogo toga. Posto je koktel najlakse nacrtati, odlucila sam da "tropicana" to oznacava za mene :). Sto se tice samog laka, posle tri sloja laka, dosla sam do divne pastelno plave boje kakva je i u bocici. Iako nisam stavila preko njega brzosuseci Top Coat, bio je suv za manje od 15 minuta, sto je stvarno dobro :).

I heard the word "Tropicana" a lot of times, but I never wonder what is the meaning of that word. While I was polishing my nails with this nail polish, it crossed my mind that I don't have an idea what to draw on it as association. I found out that there are lot of discos with this name, casinos, cocktail and a lot more. Since cocktail is easiest to draw, I decided that "tropicana" means that for me :). About polish itself, it needed three coats to get lovely pastel blue like it is in the bottle. Although I didn't put fast dry Top coat over it, it was dried in less then 15 minutes, which is really good :).

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Imate li vi neko znacenje reci Tropicana koje je pogodnije? Da li vam se svidja ovaj lak? A moj koktel? :)

Do you have any meaning of the word Tropicana that is more accurate? Do you like this nail polish? And what about my cocktail? :)