May 13, 2012

See me glowing?

Pre par nedelja, cula sam se opet sa Maggie iz koja mi je ovog puta ponudila tri laka po mom izboru. Posto nemam ni jedan koji svetli u mraku, uzela sam plavi, zeleni i rozi. Naravno, posto su mi plavi lakovi omiljeni, morala sam taj prvi da isprobam. Lak se zove Ebalay Indigo Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (dugacko ime kao kraljevsko :) ), ili krace Ebalay-Glow-002. Formula ovog laka je nekako cudna, nekako me podseca na zvake, isto kao i kod pojedinih neonskih lakova. Na njihovom sajtu, pise da je potrebno nalakirati lak ispod, ali ja sam zelela da znam kakav ce biti sam, pa sam nalakirala tri sloja preko providne baze. Prvo sto sam primetila je da se cini da je suv, ali u stvari mu je trebalo vise od sat vremena da se osusi skroz. 

Few weeks ago, I heard with Maggie from who offered me three nail polishes by my choice. Since I don't have any nail polish that glows in the dark, I chose blue, green and pink. Of course, since blue polishes are my favourites, I had to try blue one first. Nail polish name is Ebalay Indigo Translucent Glow Luminous Nail Polish (long name, like it's royal :) ), or shorter Ebalay-Glow-002. Formula of this polish is somehow weird, it reminds me on gum, like it's with some of neon nail polishes. On their web site, they say that you need to put coloured base first, but I wanted to know how it will look like alone, so I applied three coats of it over clear base coat. First thing that I noticed was that it seems dry, but it's not, and it took more than an hour to be completely dry. 

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A onda, nije hteo da svetli u mraku. Morala sam da pretrazujem na internetu, dok nisam pronasla informaciju da se prvo mora provesti neko vreme na svetlosti, pretpostavljam da bi je lak "upio". Posto danas nije bilo sunca, probala sam da ih drzim ispod sijalice par minuta, i pogledajte kako je fenomenalno ispalo :).

And then, it didn't glow in the dark. I had to search over internet, until I found information that you must spent some time on light, I guess because nail polish needs to "absorb" it. Since there were no Sun today, I tried to put my nails under the lamp for a few minutes, and look how awesome it turned out :).

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Ako zelite ovakav lak, mozete ga naci na kkcenterhk za 9.05$. Do 25-og maja, imaju i popust od 25% na sve artikle, a mozete takodje iskoristiti i kod za 10% popusta : BLGA343MA10.
Imate li lakove koji svetle u mraku? Da li vam se svidjaju?

If you want this kind of polish, you can order it on kkcenterhk for 9.05$. Until May 25th they have auto discount on all products, and you can also use coupon for 10% discount :  BLGA343MA10.
Do you have glow in the dark polishes? Do you like them?

This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy. 


  1. Kako ludo izgleda :) A zamislil leti na plazi,kad se dovoljno "napuni"..ih,lepote ;))

  2. woooowww, I want this too!!!!!

    1. I suggest you to get them :). They are gorgeous :)

  3. Haha, ludilo :D Nemam niti jedan, ali dođe mi da uzmem čisto eto tako, da se ponekad zabavim (i da uveče isključim svetlo i čitam knjigu :P) :D

    1. Hmmm.. nisam sigurna da bi izdrzao ni par strana :). Radi u fazonu onih narukvica sto svetle, prvo jako a posle sve slabije.

  4. wow, sad hoćem i ja *.*

    1. Moja preporuka - uzimaj :D. Neces zazaliti :)
