Nesto sam bila zauzeta u zadnje vreme, te nisam obracala puno paznje na nove tehnike crtanja. Osim onih koje nisam u mogucnosti da uradim, ili onih koje mi nisu zanimljive, ostalo ih je sve par koje cu isprobati u narednih nedelju, dve dana. Danas sam smislila da probam tehniku vodenih boja, za koju mozete naci fantastican tutorijal na YouTube-u. Izgleda interesantno, ali samo na slici.
Pokusala sam da uradim verziju sa raznim varijantama zelene : the Balm - Jade in the USA, Golden Rose Paris #86, Essence - Lime Up, Gabrini #373... i na kraju, izgledalo je toliko neuredno da nisam mogla ni da gledam u to. To je i razlog zasto nema slike. A onda sam smislila da bi mnogo cveca moglo ublaziti taj nered, uzela sam Catherine Arley #801 i Essence - Right, Girl i zapravo napravila nesto sto nije toliko lose.
I was kind of busy lately, so I didn't pay much attention to new drawing techniques. Except for those I'm not able to do, and those that are not interesting, there are just few of them left that I want to try out in the next week or two. Today I tried out water colour drawing. You can find great tutorial on YouTube. It does look interesting, but just on the picture.
I tried to make version with different green shades : the Balm - Jade in the USA, Golden Rose Paris #86, Essence - Lime Up, Gabrini #373...and in the end, it looked so messy that I couldn't even look at it. That's the reason why there is no picture of that. Then I thought that bunch of flowers could make that mess little bit better, so I took Catherine Arley #801 and Essence - Right, Girl, and actually made something that's not that bad.
Jeste probale ovu tehniku? Sta mislite o krajnjem rezultatu? Ako zelite, mogu napraviti jos jednu varijantu ove tehnike da vam pokazem :).
Have you tried this technique? What do you think about final mani? If you want, I can make another version of this technique to show you :).
Probala i ispalo mi super :) Mislim da negde ima i slika. I moji su bili zeleni :)
ReplyDeleteuopće nije loše, dapače, baš mi se sviđaju :-D
ReplyDeletevidila sam ovu tehniku, baš će mi trebat skoro ;-D
Nisam znala za ovu tehniku (kao sto ne znam ni za mnoge druge :P) ali mi se svidja. :] Koliko mogu da vidim ispod tih cvetica nije ti uopste lose ispalo! Probaj ponovo, hocu da vidim kako izgleda! ^^