Apr 23, 2013


Ako ste bile ovde negde tokom marta, sigurno ste pročitale da sam veoma zauzeta zbog jednog malog projekta. Projekat je bio velik, a u pitanju je takmičenje u crtanju na plastičnim tipsama u kutiji. Tema je bila Bajke Braće Grim, a ja sam se odlučila za moju omiljenu, Pepeljugu. Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena ali uspela sam da je nacrtam. Nekima se svidela, nekima ne, ali meni je bitno sa sam ja zadovoljna sobom. Ovaj post ću ostaviti lepim, tako da vam neću pričati ništa više o takmičenju (za priču o tome, svratite sutra). Takođe, moram priznati i da je bio izazov crtati na ovako velikim tipsama. Iako, ako se ja pitam, veća je umetnost znati nacrtati nešto na jednom kvadratnom centimetru nego na ovoliko velikom platnu. 
Posebno bi želela da se zahvalim sajtu Born Pretty Store jer bez njihovog sponzorisanog materijala ne bi uspela sve ovo da napravim tako kako jeste. 
Lista korišćenog materijala je predugačka, nikada ranije nisam upotrebila toliko različitih lakova (35!), ali ipak ću vam je napisati : 

If you were here in March, I'm sure you read that I was very busy with one little project. Project was huge, and it is contest for nail art on tips in box. Theme was Grimms' Fairy Tales and I chose my favorite, Cinderella. It took a lot of time and effort to draw it. Someone like it, someone dislike it, but most important thing for me is that I was satisfied with my work. I will leave this post nice so I won't tell you anything else about this contest (for story about it, come back tomorrow). Also, I have to admit that it was a challenge to draw on such a huge tips. Although, if you ask me, I think that it is harder and challenging to draw on a small nail than on such a huge canvas. 
I would especially like to thank to Born Pretty Store because without their sponsored material I would never succeed in making it like this. 
List of used material is long, I never used that much different polishes (35!) in one nail art, but here it is : 

Color Line #18
Essence – Wanna Be Your Sunshine
Art de Lautrec #421
theBalm – Mellow Yellow
theBalm – Silver Spoon Me
theBalm – Hella Yella
theBalm – Sky Blue Right Past You
theBalm – Pale in Comparison
China Glaze – DV8
Farmasi #02
Essence – Fall For Me
Essence – Red-y to Go
Essence – Matryoshka Doll
Essence – Coconut Kiss
Essence – In the Jungle
Essence – Movie Star
Essence – Piece of Forever
Essence – Flowefields
Essence – Do A Floating Pirouette
Essence – The Dawn is Broken
Essence – Divalicious Red
Primark Beauty – Neon Yellow
Catherine Arley #251
Catherine Arley #08
Barielle – Slate of Affairs
Miyo – Black
Claire’s #10
Golden Rose #214
Golden Rose #202
Golden Rose Paris #214
Catrice – Prismatic Effect
Catrice – Up in the Air
Catrice – Pool Party At Night
Catrice – London’s Weather Forecast
DecoArt Acrylic Paint – Weiss
DecoArt Acrylic Paint – Schwarz
FlorMar – Nail Enamel Dryer
Essence – Better than Gel nails Top Sealer
Nails System Acryl Liquid (sponsor : www.bornprettystore.com)
Colored Acryl Pigments (sponzor : www.bornprettystore.com)

cinderella 2
cinderella 3
cinderella 4
cinderella 5

Šta mislite o mojoj Pepeljugi? Volela bi da čujem iskrene kritike :).

What do you think about my Cinderella? I would love to hear some honest opinions :).


  1. Meni je tole izjemno. Kar z odprtimi usti sem ostala, ko sem videla fotko na FB. Res si se potrudila. :)

    1. Hvala :). Trudila sam se da izgleda najbolje sto sam umela :)

  2. Great paint job - I had to look it up as I did not think Cinderella was a Grimm's Fairy Tale but they did put it in their collection - I knew it was older than Grimms but many of the stories the Grimms brothers were the first to put into a compendium like form in a real book with more of he modern slant/translations. Good luck - hope you win!

    1. Thank you. Unfortunatelly, it is already over. I had to wait to publish this. Yeah, I also had no idea that Grimm's wrote Cinderella. When I read the theme of the contest, I look it up and found that. Good thing is that I love Cinderella :)

  3. Iskreno,najiskrenije,meni je prekrasno,i pobijedila ili ne,budi zadovoljna sa sobom jer si napravila nešto predivno ;)

  4. Hvala, mnogo mi znaci :). Odrali su oni mene ovog puta, ali ja se ne dam razocarati u sebe :)

  5. zbilja fantastičan rad, vidi samo te detalje... ma svaka čast! <3
    šteta što je završilo tako kako je završilo, ali ti si se iskazala :D
