Kada sam dobila e-mail od Ane, marketing menadžera Švedske kompanije Fake Tattoos o njihovim novim lažnim tetovažicama za nokte, mislila sam da su u pitanju obične nalepnice za nokte, ili eventualno vodene nalepnice. Ipak, pogrešila sam i u pitanju su one tetovažice koje smo kao deca lepili po rukama i nogama ali namenjene noktima. Na sajtu trenutno postoji 10 različitih dizajna tetovažica, ali imaju u planu da naprave još mnogo različitih. Cena je oko 530 dinara.
When I got e-mail from Ana, Marketing Assistant of Swedish company Fake Tattoos about their new fake tattoos for nails, I thought it was regular nail stickers, or maybe water decals. I was wrong. It's like those fake tattoos that we used to stick on our hands and arms when we were kids, but these are made for nails. On their webpage, there are currently 10 different designs of tattoos, but they are planning to make much more. Price is about 6$.
Na poleđini svake nalepnice nalazi se uputstvo za upotrebu. Ako budete koristile ove tetovažice, pročitajte ga, pošto se razlikuje od korišćenja vodenih nalepnica.
On the back of every sticker, there are instructions for use. If you are planning to use these tattoos, be sure to read it, because it's different of using water decals.
Prve tetovažice koje sam isprobala su bile ptičice u srcima. Kao i svaki prvi put, nešto je pošlo po zlu ali i dalje nisam sigurna šta. Nalepnice su mi se raspadale na noktima i gubile su boju.
First tattoos that I tried out was birds in hearts. As every first time, something went wrong and I still don't know what. Stickers fell apart on my nails and they were losing their color.
Drugi put je prošao malo bolje. Odlučila sam se za nalepnice sa tekstom LOVE i HATE, dodajući jednu tanku liniju između. Tanka je linija između ljubavi i mržnje, a to je upravo ono što ja osećam prema ovim nalepnicama.
Second time went a little bit better. I decided for tattoos with text LOVE and HATE adding one thin line between them. There is a thin line between love and hate, and that is exactly how I feel about these tattoos.
Još uvek nisam sigurna šta mislim o ovim tetovažicama. U jednu ruku, simpatične su i veoma lake za upotrebu, ali opet, nisu perfektne. Teško je postaviti ih na onaj deo nokta na koji želite da stoje, a boje se brzo ispiraju. Još jedna stvar koja mi nije jasna je, što je polovina tetovažica fabrički obojena a druga polovina ne. Možda je plan bio dozvoliti ljudima da sami biraju boje koje žele, bojeći sami lakovima ove tetovažice, ne znam. Šta vi mislite o tetovažama za nokte? Da li su one nešto što bi isprobale?
I'm still not sure what I think about these tattoos. In one hand, they are cute and very easy to use, but again, they are not perfect. It's hard to place them on the part of your nail that you want to place them, and colors are easily washable. Another thing that I don't understand is, why are half of the tattoos colored and other half isn't? Maybe plan was to allow people to choose colors, and paint tattoos with nail polishes, I don't know. What do you think about nail tattoos? Are they something that you would try?
This review contains a product sent to me by the company’s PR for my review. I do not accept compensation for reviews and all my opinions are honest and objective.For more information, please read my Disclosure Policy.
Haha I love the thin line between love and hate manicure :)