Oct 31, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Recreate your favorite manicure

Poslednji u nizu manikir za izazov za Noc Vestica, je re-kreiranje omiljenog manikira koji moze a ne mora biti vas. Posto mi je vec malkice dosadilo da ljudi komentarisu sa "fuj" iako znam da i treba biti fuj (kako moze krv, zombiji ili slicno biti slatko?), odlucila sam se da napravim nail art po uzoru na Hand-y Feats and Other Treats. Pogledajte kako je izgledao njen nail art, a kompletan post mozete na naci OVDE

Last in a row manicure for Halloween Challenge is to recreate favorite manicure that can be your own or somebody else. Since I'm kind of bored of people commenting "yuck" althought I know it have to be yuck (how can blood, zombies or something like that be cute?), I decided to recreate nail art made by Hand-y Feast and Other Treats. Check out how her nail art looked like, and you can read whole post HERE


Moja slatka mala cudovista napravila sam sa saran wrap tehnikom, tj podlogu iliti njihovo krzno. Mesala sam nespojive boje, bas zato sto i treba da izgledaju cudno, i mogu vam reci da mi se svidja kako je ispalo :). Nazalost, vreme je danas bilo jako sivo i tmurno, tako da nisam mogla nikako da uslikam bolje slike.

I made my cute little monsters with saran wrap technique, with which I made base (their fur). I mixed all incompatible colors, just because I wanted them to look wierd, and I can tell you that I like how they look :). Unfortunatelly, weather today was all grey and gloomy, so I couldn't take better pictures. 


Mogu vam reci da sam stvarno uzivala radeci ovaj izazov. To mi je bilo ono sto me je "teralo" da crtam, sto mi nije dalo da budem lenstina kada je moje telo to zelelo, jer sam uvek mislila kako cu, ako napravim pauzu, razocarati vas koji citate i one sa kojima sam zajedno radila ovaj izazov. Ako u buduce vidim neki izazov cije mi se teme svidjaju, sigurno se pridruzujem :). 

I can tell you that I really enjoyed doing this challenge. That was the thing that "forced" me to draw, thing that didn't let me be lazy when my body wanted that, because I always thought that, if I make a break, I will disappoint all of you that read this and also those of you with who I did this challenge. In future, if I see some challenge that I like, I will definitely join :).

Oct 27, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Influenced by Scary Movie

Danasnji zadatak u izazovu za Noc Vestica je "Inspirisano strasnim filmom". Razmisljala sam dugo koji cu da izaberem (posto sam imala period u zivotu kada sam ih dosta gledala, pa je izbor bio ogroman) i odlucila sam se za drugi po redu od najstrasnijih. Prvi je Forget me Not, koji nikad nece prestati da me zastrasuje pa ga nisam imala zelju ni da ga se podsetim. A drugi, onaj po kom je inspirisan moj danasnji nail art je The Ring. Postoji toliko verzija ovog filma, i nekoliko delova, ali nikad necu zaboraviti prvi deo americke verzije filma iz 2002 godine. 
Nacrtala sam crtez koji je Ejdan crtao predvidjajuci dolazak Samare, Samaru, krug koji se pojavi na televizoru pre nego sto zrtva umre, i televizor bez signala iz kojeg ona izlazi (scena koja se ne zaboravlja!).

Task for Halloween Challenge today is "Influenced by Scary Movie". I thought a lot about which movie I will choose (since I had period in my life when I watched lots of horror movies, choice was huge) and I decided for second scariest movie. First one is Forget me Not, which will never stop to scares me, so I didn't want to be reminded of it. And second, the one which my nail art is inspired by, is The Ring. There are few versions of this movie, and few parts of it, but I will never forget first part of USA version of this movie from year 2002.
I drew drawing that Aidan made while he had visions of Samara, Samara, the ring that appear on the television before victim dies, and TV without signal from which she come out (unforgettable scene!).


Da li ste gledale ovaj film? Koji je vama najstrasniji horor film ikada? A sta kazete za nail art?

Have you watched this movie? What is the most scariest movie you ever saw? And what do you think about nail art?

Oct 26, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness - Going with Pink

Kao sto mozda vec znate, oktobar je mesec borbe protiv raka dojke. U oktobru, rozom bojom i rozom trakicom, mnogi se trude da povecaju svest ljudi o ovoj opakoj bolesti, da podrze sve one zene koje se sa njom bore, kao i da odaju pocast onim zenama koje su tu bitku izgubile. Kada vam kazu procentualno kolika je verovatnoca dobijanja raka dojke, to vam malo znaci, jer uglavnom nemate predstavu koliki je to broj. Recicu vam samo ovako, od 22 zene, 1 oboli od raka dojke do svoje 60e godine (po istrazivanju koje je sproveo Avon). U mom odeljenju u srednjoj skoli je bilo 20ak devojaka. Zalosno je "znati" da to ustvari znaci po jedna obolela u svakom odeljenju. 

As you probably already know, October is breast cancer awareness month. In October, with pink color and pink ribbon, a lot of people try to educate others about this very cruel disease, to support all those women that are fighting with it, and to honor all those women who lost this battle. When they say what is percentage of possibility for having breast cancer, that doesn't mean a lot, just because you don't have a clue how much is it. I'll tell you this way, from 22 women, 1 will have breast cancer until she is 60 years old (by the Avon research). In my class in high school, there were about 20 girls. It's so sad to "know" that this actually mean one person that suffer from breast cancer in every class. 


Kakav je vas doprinos ovoj borbi? Razmisljate li nekada o tome?

How do you contribute in this fight? Do you ever think about it?

Oct 25, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Blood/Gore/Spatter

Zadnjih par dana nisam kuci, i stvarno sam mislila da sam ponela od svake boje po jedan lak (pa po principu, smislicu nesto). Zamislite tragediju danas kada sam krenula da crtam za danasnju temu i skontala da nisam ponela nijedan crveni lak. Vreme je bilo lose a i lenjost je ucinila svoje, pa nisam otisla da kupim bilo koji crveni lak... Sad ukljucite svoje mastu i ne pustajte :D.
Podlogu cine dva sloja laka Essence - Grand-Plie in Black (neka mi neko objasni zasto ovaj lak do sada nisam isprobala, a imam ga vec sigurno 5 meseci?!). A onda sam probala da mesam lakove i dobijem crvenu. Verujte, jako je tesko (Upozorenje : ne radite ovo kod kuce :D). Konacna boja vise vuce na braon nego na "krv" crveno, tako da imate dve opcije : zamislite da je u pitanju crvena; ili zamislite da to nije krv vec zgrusana krv, skoro pa krasta :D.

Last couple of days I'm not at home, and I really thought that I brought one polish of each color (so I could manage almost anything). Imagine my tragedy today when I started drawing for today theme and figured out that I don't have any red polish with me. Weather was bad and I was little bit lazy so I didn't went to buy a new red polish... Now turn on your imagination and don't turn it off :D.
Base color is two coats of Essence - Grand-Plie in Black (somebody explain me, why I didn't use it before, and I have it for about 5 months already?!). And then I started mixing nail polishes hoping that I will get red color. Trust me, it's really hard (Warning : Do not try this at home :D). Final color is more brown than "blood" red, so you have two options : imagine that this is red color; or imagine that it's not fresh blood, it's more clotted blood, almost a scab :D.

IMG_0031c IMG_0033 copy IMG_0046 copy

Barem nije jako ruzno :). Devojke su danas bile mnooogo bolje od mene, pa ne zaboravite da pogledate njihove postove :).

At least, it's not that ugly :). Other girls were way better than me, so be sure to check their blog posts :).

Oct 23, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Pumpkins

Jos jedan dan u izazovu za Noc Vestica :). Danasnja tema su Bundevice. Da, nisu teske ali sustina je u izrazu lica. Izrazi lica mojih bundevica nisu bas lepo ispali, ali kada ugasim svetlo, mnogo su lepsi :).
Pocela sam sa theBalm - Don't Metal in My Business  nacrtala bundevice i prekrila njihovu unutrasnjost Ebalay lakom koji svetli u mraku :).

Another day in Halloween Challenge :). Today we made Pumpkins. Yes, they are not hard but most important is face expression. Face expressions of my pumpkins didn't really turned out best, but they are prettier when I turn off the light :).
I started with theBalm - Don't Metal in my Business, drew pumpkins and painted their interior with Ebalay glow in the dark polish :).


Priznajem da nisam bila toliko kreativna danas kao sto su druge devojke :). Pogledajte sta su sve one uradile.

I admit that I wasn't really creative today like other girls :). Check out what they all did.

Oct 22, 2012

Stamping over holo!

Prosli vikend isla sam na jedno vencanje, i opet sam gledala da uklopim nokte uz odecu/obucu. Naravno, haljina nije bila holo, ali je imala slicne boje koje ovaj holo China Glaze - L8R G8R pravi. Zatim sam uklapala crne pecate (visestruke, sa plocice BM-213) uz crne cipelice :). Slika je nastala posle dva nosenja, i   ne mogu i dalje da poverujem koliko se malo iskrzao, a bio je bez top coat-a.

Last weekend, I went to a wedding, and I wanted to match my nail with dress/shoes. Of course, dress wasn't holo colored, but it had similar colors like this holo China Glaze - L8R G8R. Then I matched black stamping (multiplied from BM-213 plate) with black shoes :). I took picture after two days, and I still can't believe how there is no much tip wear, and it was without top coat. 


Svima ostalima se jako svidelo, a vama?

Everybody else liked it, and you?

Oct 20, 2012

Rainbow Dots

Danas sam odlucila da se igram sa mnogo razlicitih boja, i napravila sam tackice u bojama duge. Vise ni sama ne znam koje sam lakove koristila (stavila sam ih mnogo oko sebe, i uzimala nasumicno), ali znam da je podloga theBalm - I Take my Coffee Matte and Black. Ako pitate mene, slatko je, ali sam uspela i da napravim opticki iluziju (negativnu) - nokti mi izgledaju kao da rastu ukrivo :). 

Today I decided to play with lot of different colors, and I made colorful rainbow dots. I don't know anymore which nail polishes I used (I placed a lot of them near me, and took them by random order), but I know that base is theBalm - I Take my Coffee Matte and Black. If you ask me, it's cute, but I made something like (negative) optical illusion - my nails look like they are curved :).


Sta mislite? Nisu krivi, obecavam :)

What do you think? They are not curved, I promise :)

Oct 18, 2012

The Halloween Challenge - Things that go bump in the Night (Monsters etc.)

Jako mi tesko pada vodjenje racuna o tome koji je datum (zbog Halloween izazova). Sinoc sam se setila da za danas treba nacrtati nesto sto iskace iz mraka... Naravno, upotrebila sam google da vidim sta to moze biti, i bukvalno se zgrozila. Iskreno se nadam da te ne stvari ne iskacu zapravo iz mraka (kada odrastete, prestanete da verujete u to; ali kada vidite slike, niste vise sigurni) :). Nacrtala sam oci silnih nekih "cudovista", koja gledaju sa prozora "jezive" kuce. Nije toliko strasno, ali meni je bitno da je zabavno :)

It's really hard for me to keep track about date (which is important in Halloween challenge). Last night I remembered that I need to draw something that bumps in the night... Of course, I used google images to see what it can be, and I was literally disgusted. I really hope that all those things doesn't really bump in the night (when you grow up, you stop believing in them; but when you see pictures, you're not sure) :). I drew eyes of some "monsters", that look at you from windows of a "creepy" house. It's not really scary, but it's important to me that it's funny :).


Da li verujete u cudovista iskacu u mraku? :D. Pogledajte kako ona izgledaju u masti ostalih devojaka :)

Do you believe in monsters that bump in the night? :D. Check out how they look in other girls imagination :)

Oct 16, 2012

Halloween Challenge - (Creepy) Freestyle

Zelela sam da napravim ovakav manikir jos od prosle godine otprilike u ovo vreme, ali nisam imala dovoljan broj potrebnog materijala :). Nemojte se uplasiti, u pitanju su samo nalepljeni cipovi za tonere koje sam dobila od jednog prijatelja na zajam (posto znam da ce procitati, i javno da mu se zahvalim :) ). 

I wanted to make this kind of mani since last year in this time, but I didn't had enough number of needed supplies :). Don't be scared, it's just toner chips for toner stuck on nails, that I got from a friend (since I know that her will read this, I want to publicly thank him :) ). 

BenQ Corporation
BenQ Corporation
BenQ Corporation
BenQ Corporation

Da, odmah sam ovo skinula, iako su u pitanju savrseni strasni nokti za Noc Vestica!
I da, znam da ce ovi moji nokti verovatno zavrsiti na nekoj od onih "Zastrasujuci nokti" strana. Ipak, i los publicitet je dobar publicetet :). 
Da li biste vi ovo nosile na noktima? Pogledajte i sta su druge devojke napravile danas :)

Yes, I took this off immediately, but I still think that they are perfect scary nails for Halloween!
And yes, I know that my nails will probably finish on some of those "Creepy nails" pages. But, any publicity is good publicity :).
Would you wear these on your nails? Check out what other girls did today :)

Oct 15, 2012

(No fishtail) Braid Nail Art :)

U nameri da napravim riblja kost pletenicu na noktima, malo sam se zanela pa je moj nail art licio na one male sitne pletenice (koje inace obozavam). Cinilo se brzim za napraviti, ali nisam uopste razmisljala o vremenu susenja svakog sloja laka :). Ipak, ovo je bila prilika da iskoristim tri laka iz Essence Snow White kolekcije - Doc, Happy i Sneezy. Srecom, uslikala sam ovo u light box-u odmah (posto je bila vec noc kada sam zavrsila), jer se ujutro kad sam se probudila sve pokvarilo (iako se cinilo potpuno suvo).

I wanted to make fishtail braid on my nails, but I obviously went a little bit further, because my nail art looked like those small braids (which I, by the way, love). It seemed to me that this will be quick nail art to do, but I didn't consider time of drying every coat of nail polish :). However, this was the opportunity to use three nail polishes from Essence Snow White collection - Doc, Happy and Sneezy. Luckily, I took pictures of this instantly in my light box (it was already night), because when I woke up in the morning, it was all messed up (although I thought it was completely dry).


Da li vam se svidja? Kako vi sprecavate da vam se lak ne pokvari tokom sna?
Takodje, ako zelite, mozete danas opet glasati za mene na Bundle Monster takmicenju :)

Do you like it? How do you prevent smudging of nail polish during night?
Also, if you want, you can vote for me again today on Bundle Monster contest :)

Oct 14, 2012

Unexpected Halloween Nail Art

Danas vam pokazujem nail art koji sam napravila za Bundle Monster takmicenje za Noc Vestica. Prosli put nisam imala srece, ali nada uvek ostaje :). 
Prvobitan nail art koji sam napravila za BM takmicenje bio je OVAJ, ali sam shvatila da mogu i bolje, te sam ga ipak objavila pre par dana. Za ovaj nail art, kao podlogu koristila sam theBalm - A Case of the Blues, a zatim sa pecatirala sa plocica BM-209, BM-224, BM-222, BM-223, BM-225. Vesticu i detalje sam rucno docrtala, sto mi je, verovale ili ne, bilo mnogo lakse nego sve ovo sa pecatima :).

Today I'm gonna show you nail art that I made for Bundle Monster Halloween contest. Last time I didn't have luck, but there is always hope :). 
First, I actually made THIS nail art for Bundle Monster contest, but I realized that I can do that much better, so I published that one few days ago. For this nail art, as base I used theBalm - A Case of the Blues, and then I stamped with plates BM-209, BM-224, BM-222, BM-223, BM-225. I hand painted witch in the moon and details, which was, believe it or not, much easier for me to do then all that stamping.


Ako vam se svidja moj nail art, slobodno glasajte za mene (samo kliknite na link, a zatim na dugme Vote Now). Mozete glasati svaki dan :).

If you like my nail art, feel free to vote for me (just click on the link, and click on Vote Now). You can vote once a day :).


Oct 12, 2012

Dry Water Marble? I don't think so!

Govoreci o promasajima... Water marble sam probala nekoliko puta, i svaki put je bilo, blago receno, neuspesno. A onda sam naisla na tutorijale za suvi Water marble. Srece i radosti, morala sam da probam. Pratila sam korak po korak, izmesala tri laka (pomalo neuredno i ruzno, ali za prvi put dobro). Bila sam strpljiva i ostavila da se susi 2 dana... Kada sam probala da ih postavim na nokte, raspadali su se, lomili, a ciscenje posle ovoga je horor prica za sebe. 

Speaking about failures... I tried making water marble few times, and every time was, I'll be gentle, failure. And then I found tutorials for dry Water marble. Oh, how happy I was, I had to try it immediately. I followed step by step, mixed three nail polishes (little bit messy and ugly, but fine for the first time). I was really patient and left it to dry for 2 days... When I tried to put them on my nails, they were braking down, and cleaning after all of this is a horror story in itself.


Jeste li probale da napraviti ovaj water marble? Gde sam pogresila?

Have you tried making dry water marble? What did I do wrong?

Oct 11, 2012

The Halloween Challenge – Witches

Ova vestica je dosla pomalo neocekivano... Crtala sam, i jednostavno se uklopila. U pocetku mi se cak nije ni dopao celokupan rezultat ali sto ga vise gledam, lepse mi je :). Tu su i sova, pauk, paucina, slepi misevi (sa BM-213 plocice), bundevica (sa BM-222 plocice), zastrasujuce drvo,mesecina i oci koje gledaju iz mraka :D. Gledajuci sve zajedno, tesko je razaznati, pa racunam da je bolje objasniti :). 

This witch came unexpected... I was drawing, and she had just fit in. For start, I didn't even like result, but the more I look at it, it's pretier :). There is also an owl, spider, cobweb, bats (from BM-213 plate), pumpkin (from BM-222 plate), scary looking tree, moonlight and creepy eyes that look at you from the dark :D. When you look at whole picture, it's hard to recognize them all, so I thought it would be better to explain :).


Sta mislite o mojoj vestici? Pogledajte i sta su druge devojke uradile :)

What do you think about my witch? Check out what other girls did :)