Za danasnje nokte, inspirisala me je igrica Plants vs. Zombies. Znam da naziv zvuci pomalo gadno, ali totalno vam preporucujem ovu igricu. Ja sam postala opsednuta njome i koristim svaki slobodan trenutak da odigram barem jedan nivo :). Iako sam mislila da ce biti tesko, veoma ih je lako bilo nacrtati. U prvoj verziji na umesto paprike stojala je ona zelena biljka sto puca u zombije, ali nakon sto sam poslala decku sliku da kaze svoje misljenje, rekao je da je sve strava osim te biljcice. Pokusala sam da je nacrtam opet, nisam nikako uspela, tako da ju je paprika zamenila.
Bazna boja je Essence – In the jungle, a ostalo su akrilne boje.
For today’s nails, I was inspired by the game Plants vs. Zombies. I know it sounds bad, but I totally recommend you to try this game. I became obsessed with it and I use every single free moment to play just at least one level :). Although I thought it would be hard, it was very easy to draw this. In first version instead of pepper there was that green plant that shoot at zombies, but after I sent a picture to my boyfriend to tell me what he think, he said everything is awesome except that one plant. So I tried to paint it again, but I couldn’t make it look good, so I drew pepper instead.
Base color is Essence – In the jungle, and everything else in acrylic paints.
Jako mi se svidja kako mi je zombic ispao :D. A vama? Jeste igrale ovo nekada? Ako nekome treba, mogu da vam nadjem link za download ;).
I love how zombie turned out :D. Do you? Did you played this game? If somebody needs, I can find you link for download ;).
ReplyDeleteI think some time fate is really important!!
ReplyDeleteI never heard about this game, and I just finished an episode of supernatural where the kid played this game!!
I'm impressed!
I love your mani btw!
you did good, very nice!
ReplyDeleteOdličen nail art, kot vedno. Za to igrico pa še nisem slišala.
ReplyDeleteThanks girls.
ReplyDelete@Rock-or-not I can't believe it. It must be fate :D.
nemam pojma koja je to igrica, ali nokti su zakon :-D
ReplyDeleteNIsma igrala igricu, ali nokti su savrseni :D