Kao bazu, koristila sam novi lak koji sam kupila, Ingrid Cosmetics 322, ali nisam stigla da uradim i swatch. Posto sam kupila 3 Ingrid laka, jedan dan kad ne budem raspolozena za crtanje, pokazacu vam sva 3 odjednom :). Pored ovog laka, koristila sam samo jos akrilne boje.
Today I will show you failed attempt of drawing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I must admit that they seemed very easy to draw, so I didn’t pay attention on details. Mistake. That’s why that look how they look. To be honest, they look to me like some gay ninjas, especially because of pink lips they have. Don’t ask me why, I didn’t liked how red looks like. And later I realized how pink looks. Ridiculous. When I look at them now, they can maybe be some little girly ninja turtles
As base, I used new polish that I bought, Ingrid Cosmetics 322, but I didn’t had time to do a swatch. Since I bought 3 Ingrid polishes, one day, when I wouldn’t in the mood for drawing, I’ll show you all 3 at once :). Beside this polish, I used only acrylic paints.
Jedina dobra stvar je, kada je moja drugarica videla ove nokte, prepoznala je nindza kornjace, i mislila je da su u pitanju nalepnice. To mi je dalo znak da sam uradila koliko-toliko dobar posao. Sta vi mislite?
One good thing is, when my friend saw this nails, she recognized TMNT, and she thought it’s stickers. That gave me a sign that I did a good job. What do you think?
I don't think this is a failed mani! They look real, I like them a lot!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sylvia :)
ReplyDeleteNinja Turtles!!! EPIC! I love it!
ReplyDeleteHaha, cuj gej nindze :D
ReplyDeleteSuper su, nemoj zezat :)