Nov 22, 2011

Simple Blue Butterfly

Zadnjih dva dana nisam imala vremena ni da lakiram nokte, niti da pisem. Zao mi je. Jedva  sam nalazila vremena da (malo) spavam i jedem, posto sam imala mnogo da ucim. Posto se danas to zavrsilo, za sada, ugrabila sam jos malo vremena koje sam imala do zalaska sunca, i nacrtala sam leptirica i neke crtice. Naime, te crtice stalno crtam po svesci dok ne razmisljam o nicemu, i cinile su se interesantne. Na noktu i nisu bas, ali nije lose. Za podlogu sam koristila Essence – Naughty But Nice, a plava i crvena su akrilne boje.

In last two days I didn’t had time to polish my nails, or to write. Sorry. I barely had time to sleep (a bit) and to eat, since I had to study a lot. Since today that’s over, for now, I caught some time before sunset, and drew butterfly and some dashes. Those dashes I use to draw in my notebook, every time I’m not thinking about anything, and they seemed interesting. On nails they aren't really, but it’s not bad. For base I used Essence – Naughty but Nice, and blue and red are acrylic paints.

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U stvari, i ne izgleda toliko lose. U svakom slucaju, nadam se da sam od sutra opet u mom boljem izdanju :D.

Actually, that doesn’t look that bad. Anyway, I hope I would be from tomorrow in my better edition again :D.


  1. uopće ne izgleda loše, naprotiv, super su ti noktići :-D
    samo ti uči, na kraju ćeš ipak imati više koristi od učenja nego od lakiranja noktiju ;-)

  2. @nail crazy veruj mi, volela bih da bude obrnuto. Eh, kad bi se od blogovanja moglo ziveti :D

  3. Very pretty nails! I so loved this.
