Feb 9, 2012

Two different kinds of Essence - It's Purplicious!

Danas su mi opet stigle stvarcice za nokte u posti. Stvarno bih mogla da se naviknem na to :). Ovog puta, u pitanju je paketic iz Holandije, koji sam osvojila na takmicenju za Bozicne nokte na blogu nails 4 fun . A evo sta je sve bilo u paketicu (zaboravila sam da uslikam tackala posebno)...

Today I got nail mail again. I could really get used to it :). This time, it's a package from Nederland that I won on a Christmas nail art contest on nails 4 fun blog. And here it is what was in a package (I forgot to take close up picture of dotters)...

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Nisam znala sam da cu dobiti Essence - It's Purplicious, pa sam ga kupila pre par nedelja. Ali danas kada sam ga pogledala, nisam mogla da verujem. U pitanju je isti Essence, isti Special Effect Topper, isti naziv, ali drugaciji lak. Mozda neke od vas ovo znaju, ali ja nisam znala. Ocigledno, ovaj sa desne strane je "novi", a sa leve strane "stari" (pretpostavljam, posto je na Essence sajtu ovaj desni).

I didn't knew that I will get Essence - It's Purplicious, so I bought it few weeks ago. But today when I saw it, I couldn't believe. It's the same Essence, same Special Effect Topper, same name, but different nail polish. Maybe some of you knew this, but I didn't. Obviously, on the right side is "new one", and on the left is "old one" (I suppose, because on Essence site, there is only the right one).

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Tako da sam odlucila da ih isprobam oba danas. Smislila sam da bi bilo najlepse da ih isprobam preko neke ljubicaste, te sam odabrala the Balm - Lilac Any Sense. Velika stvar - ovaj lak se nanosi samo u jednom sloju. Zato je i bio savrsen za moje "isprobavanje".

So I decided to try them bought today. I wanted to try them out over some purple nail polish, so I chose the Balm - Lilac Any Sense. Big thing - this polish is opaque in only one coat. That's why it was perfect for my "try outs".

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"New" Essence - It's Purplicious

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"Old" Essence - It's Purplicious

Koji od ova dva imate? Koji vam je lepsi? Meni se vise svidja ovaj stari ali jako sam srecna sto ih imam oba :).

Which one of those you have? Which one is prettier? I prefer old one, but I'm really happy to have them both :).


  1. ma od viška glava ne boli ;-D ali meni je stari za koplje bolji, kad bih morala birati ni sekunde se ne bih mislila :-D

  2. Stari je fantastičan, meni se više sviđa, mada su uistinu oba lepa :)

  3. They are both pretty. The new one reminds me a bit of "Carrie" from the Nail Art Twins though.

  4. It's purplicious is my favorite new nail polish! I love it!:)
    You nails looks great:)


  5. I think you mixed them up when labelling your pictures; the new one is the one with the smaller glitter and the old one has the large square glitters...

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