Danasnji zadatak je bio tezak. Ne toliko za nacrtati, vec za smisliti. Inspirisan sa mnom. Srca, zato sto volim da se zaljubljujem, uvek sam zaljubljena i uvek volim. Leptirici, zato sto sam kao mala volela da ih "hvatam" kako bi ih unela u kuci, a zatim ih ubrzo gubila u kuci. Jednorog, zato sto su oni najlepsa mitska bica koja zelim da verujem da postoje. I nepovezane sarice i tackice, zato sto je to ono sto crtam po papiricima kada ne razmisljam ni o cemu.
Koristila sam lakove : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Ebalay #007, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #666, Catherine Arley #676, Catherine Arley #801 i akrilne boje.
Today we had a hard task. It wasn't hard to draw it, it was hard to think something. Inspired by me. Hearts, because I love to fall in love, I'm always in love and I always love. Butterfly, because when I was young, I loved to catch them and bring them inside, just to lose them somewhere in the house. Unicorn, because they are the prettiest mythical creatures and I want to believe that they exist somewhere. And random lines and dots, because that's is what I draw on papers when I think about nothing.
I used nail polishes : theBalm - I Take My Coffee Matte and Black, Ebalay #007, Catherine Arley #800, Catherine Arley #666, Catherine Arley #676, Catherine Arley #801 and acrylic paints.
Sta bi bilo na noktima koji su inspirisani vama?
What would be on the nails inspired by you?
Tole je najlepša manikura, kar sem jih kdaj videla. Samorog je prečudovit. <3