Jan 11, 2013

The New 31 Day Challenge : Splatter

Ako me citate vec duze vreme, sigurno vec pretpostavljate da mi se nije svidela danasnja tema, Splatter. Nikada nisam volela ove namerno neuredne manikire, a one koje su nenamerno neuredne se trudim da vam ni ne pokazujem :). Ali ono sto se mora, nije tesko :).
Lakovi koje sam koristila su : Farmasi #02, Twenty One #10, Essence - Happy, Essence - Date Me, Essence - Red-y to go, Essence - Bonnie, Essence - Flowerfields, i Miyo - Raspberry. 

If you are reading my blog for a while now, you probably knew that I won't like theme today, Splatter. I never liked those intentionally messy manicures, and I try now to show you at all those which are unintentionally messy :). But, you got to do what you got to do :).
Polishes that I used are : Farmasi #02, Twenty One #10, Essence - Happy, Essence - Date Me, Essence - Red-y to go, Essence - Bonnie, Essence - Flowerfields, and Miyo - Raspberry. 


Da li vi volite splatter tehniku?

Do you like splatter technique?


  1. This is cute!! I love your interpretation!

  2. uopšte ti nije ispalo neuredno. ja isto ne mogu da se nateram na to.

  3. What technique did you use? Thank you.

  4. I do not like the Splatter mani. Way to messy for me! :-)
