Jan 15, 2013

The New 31 Day Challenge : Stamping

Nisam neki obozavalac pecatiranja noktiju. Ne kazem da mi se to ne svidja, jednostavno, to nije nesto sto radim iz zabave :). Zato pecatiranje uvek ostavljam za izazove poput ovog, poneko nail art takmicenje, ili za dane kada nemam ideje sta bi drugo napravila na noktima. 
A danas, bas pecatiranje. Kako ne bi bilo previse monotono, zamislila sam da napravim kao neko "visestruko" pecatiranje koje ce biti skroz neobavezno. Prosudite same da li je lepo :).
Koristila sam : theBalm - Orange You're Glad You're Not Blue, Stamping Blue Polish, Miyo - Ink, Miss Sporty #340; Essence - A Piece of Forever, Isabelle Dupont #268 i plocicu BM - 212.

I'm not really a huge fan of stamping. I don't say I don't like it, it's just, that's not something that I will do for fun :). That's why I always leave stamping for challenges like this one, some nail art contest, or for those days when I have no other ideas what to on nails. 
And today, stamping. I didn't want to do something simple, and I thought about something like "multiple" stamping that will be totally random. I can't decide is it pretty, you're judge :). 
I used : theBalm - Orange You're Glad You're Not Blue, Stamping Blue Polish, Miyo - Ink, Miss Sporty #340; Essence - A Piece of Forever, Isabelle Dupont #268, and a stamping plate BM - 212


Da li vi volite pecate na noktima? Koje su vas plocice najsladje?

Do you like nail stamping? Which plates are cutest for you?


  1. podloga mi je krasna *.*
    volim pečate, imam brdo pločica iako ih ne koristim baš često

  2. I like stamping in general as it gives me something cute for my nails when I don't feel like or can't think of anything artsy to do with them. It's a good back up plan. But like you I don't do it often. I have a hard time choosing colors that go well and that will have enough contrast to be seen when stamped. Your nails are warm and sunny like a warm summer's day in that pretty orange color and I like the glitters on top.
