Oct 31, 2011

Halloween Nail Art #5 : Attic of a Witch

Cao drage moje vestice, carobnjaci, drakule, zene macke itd… Ovakav pocetak mi nekako ide uz ovaj dan. A, kako i pretpostavljate i uz moj danasnji nail art :). Moj poslednji za ovu godinu, a mogu reci i najbolji po mom misljenju.
Za danas sam zelela da vam pokazem tavan jedne vestice. I to sa samom vesticom na njemu. Za pozadinu sam uzela Essence – Bad Girl jer je, po meni, ta boja totalno ide uz ovaj praznik. Za sve ostalo su bile zaduzene akrilne boje. Pa evo ga :)

Hello my dear witches, wizards, Dracula’s, Cat women's etc.… This start somehow goes with this day. And, as you have maybe suppose, it goes with my todays nail art :). My last one for this year, and I can say the best one.
For today I wanted to show you attic of one witch. And with witch herself on it. For background I used Essence – Bad Girl, because, if you ask me, that color totally goes with this holiday. For everything else, I used acrylic paints. So here it is :)

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Slobodno ukradite ideju ako veceras idete na neki maskenbal :). I lepo se provedite :).

Feel free to “steal” idea if you are going on party under masks tonight :). And have a nice time :).

Oct 30, 2011

Halloween Nail Art #4 : Creepy graveyard

Danas mi je toliko ludnica, da ne mogu da se pokupim gde sam :). Zato samo jedan brzi post, za dan pred Noc Vestica :).

Today I had a crazy day, I can’t manage to do anything :). So here’s just a quick post, for day before Halloween :).

  • Essence – Tryin’ To Be Cool
  • Black&White Acrylic Paint 

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

Nadam se da vam se svidja. U svakom slucaju, za sutra planiram mnogo bolju :).

I hope you like it. Anyway, I’m planning for tomorrow much better :).

Oct 29, 2011

Halloween nail art #3 : Pet Society Monster

Verujte mi, nisam imala ideju kakvo cudoviste da nacrtam. Zato sam se odlucila za najsladje. Ako ste i vi, kao i Lalica, Amra i ja igrale Pet Society na Facebooku, onda ce vam sigurno lik ove slatke igrackice biti poznat. Ako ne, svakako cu vam pokazati sliku.

Trust me, I had no idea what kind of monster do draw. That’s why I decided for cutest. If you have, like Lalica, Amra and me played Pet Society on Facebook, then I’m sure you will recognize character of this cute little doll. If you haven’t, I’ll show you a picture of it.

  • Essence – Bad Girl
  • Essence – Lime Up!
  • White&Black Acrylic paint 


A evo i moje verzije :)

And here is my version :)

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Sta mislite? Jel lici na original?

What do you think? Does it look like original?

Oct 28, 2011

Super Mario Nail Art

Secam se da sam, jos kao klinka, u ono ratno vreme, imala Segu (svercovanu iz Rumunije) na kojoj je bilo samo 3 igrice, ali to mi je bilo dovoljno. Naime, bilo je Super Maria, Tenkova i pucanje u patke (ne mogu da se setim sad kako se ta zvala). Nego, godinama sam igrala Super Maria na Segi, kasnije na kompjuteru, sada cak i na Wii-u, i jos uvek mi nije dosadio. Danas sam napravila nail art po uzoru na likove iz Super Maria, i mogu vam reci da izgleda fenomenalno. Nisam 100% zadovoljna (kao i uvek), ali smatram da sam svakako zagrizla veliki zalogaj ovime.
Kao podlogu koristila sam Essence - Fall For Me, nebo plavi lak koji mi se bas i ne svidja. Prvi sloj je bio sav nekako lepljiv, nejednak, ali se bar brzo osusio. Ovim manama je najvise doprinela cetkica koja je bukvalno receno kao metla, i to ukrivo odsecena metla. Ne znam da li sam ubola “pogresan lak na polici”, ili je tako kod svih koji imaju ovaj lak, ali ja cu ovu cetkicu svakako malo odseci. Naravno, i pokazacu vam sliku pre nego sto je isecem, sada nisam stigla da je uslikam. Pre nego sto vam pokazem sliku, samo da vam kazem da, ako probate ovaj lak, ne brinite, drugi sloj pokriva sve nedostatke prvog.

I remember that, long ago when I were kid, in those war-times, I had Sega (imported from Romania), on which were only 3 games, but that was enough for me. There was Super Mario, The Tank and shooting at ducks (I can’t remember name of this one). Anyway, for years I played Super Mario on Sega, later on my PC, and now even on Wii, and I still love it. Today I did a nail art based on characters from Super Mario, and I can tell you – it looks awesome. I’m not 100% satisfied (as always), but I really think I took a big bite with this one.
As base, I used Essence – Fall For Me, sky blue nail polish that I don’t really like. First coat was kind a sticky, uneven, but it dried quickly. Those bad things are mainly because of the brush which is literally like broomstick, and I mean wrongly cut broomstick. I don’t know did I just took “wrong polish on shelf”, or does everybody who has this polish have this problem, but I’m going to cut this brush. Of course, I’ll show you pictures before I cut it, now I didn’t have time. Before I show you picture, I just want to say that, if you try this polish, don’t worry, second coat covers all fault of the first one.

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A sada, moj Super Mario. Pretpostavljam da cete shvatiti sta predstavlja koji nokat (ako ne shvatite, onda shvatate sto nisam zadovoljna 100%). Koristila sam crnu, belu, crvenu, i boja koze akrilnu boju; Essence – In the Jungle, Classics 322 i Rapsodi 195.

And now, my Super Mario. I guess you will see what each nail represent (if you don’t, then you realized why I’m not 100% satisfied). I used black, white, red, and skin color acrylic color; Essence – In the Jungle, Classics 322 i Rapsodi 195.

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Nadam se da vam se svidja. Ako imate neku tako pomalo ludu ili detinjastu ili bilo kakvu ideju, kazite :).

I hope you like it, If you have any little bit crazy or childish or any idea at all, let me know :).

Oct 27, 2011

Tutorial : In the Forest

Aurora sa bloga World Of Happy Nails me je pitala da uradim tutorijal za pecurkice iliti “In the Forest” nail art pa sam danas to i ucinila. Mogu vam reci da mi se vise svidja kako je ispalo prvi put, verovatno zato sto je bilo nekako spontano, a sada sam kopirala svoj manikir :D. Radila sam tutorijal samo na jednom noktu, ali nadam se da cete uspeti da shvatite poentu :). Takodje, sve slike sam morala da slikam pod lampom, zato sto danas nema ni malo sunca napolju, samo kisa :(…
Mozda vec znate sta ce vam trebati, ali da ponovimo : tamno zeleni lak (ja sam koristila Essence (Show Your Feet) – In the Jungle), braon lak (jedini koji imam, Classics 322), i crvena, bela, crna i boje koze akrilna boja. Naravno, mozete koristiti i lakove ove boje, ali smatram da je jedino bela bitno da bude akrilna, a videcete i zasto. Kao alat, dovoljna vam je samo igla, cackalica ili kao sto ja imam tu tanku iglicu na drugom kraju tackala. A evo kako to izgleda :)

Aurora from World Of Happy Nails asked me to do tutorial for mushrooms aka “In the Forest” nail art so I did it today. I can say that wasn’t that good like first time, probably because then it was spontaneous, and now I copied my own manicure :D. I did tutorial on one nail only, but I hope you can see the point :). Also, I had to take all pictures inside under the lamp, because today there isn’t any sun outside, just rain :(…
Maybe you already know what you will need, but I’ll say again : dark green nail polish (I used Essence (Show Your Feet) – In the Jungle), brown nail polish (I used only one that I have, Classics 322), red, white, black and skin color acrylic paint. Of course, you can use polishes instead, but I think that it’s only matter that white is acrylic paint, and you will see why. As tool, all you need is needle, toothpick, or if you have, like me, thin needle on the other side of dotter. And here’s how it looks :).

BenQ Corporation

Prvo je potrebno da nalakirate nokte sa tamno zelenim lakom, ja sam stavila dva sloja In the Jungle.

First you need to polish your nails with dark green nail polish, I polished two coats of "In the Jungle”.

BenQ Corporation

Ukoliko imate svetlo braon lak, olaksacete sebi, i mozete ga koristiti u narednom koraku. Ja ga nemam, tako da sam pomesala crnu akrilnu boju sa bojom koze. Uzmete iglicu/cackalicu/tackalo i povucete 3-5 vertikalnih linija po noktu, koje ne moraju ni da su jednake debljine, ni duzine, ni razdvojene.

If you have light brown nail polish, it will be easier for you, and you can use it in the next step. I don’t have it, so I mixed black acrylic paint with skin color acrylic paint. Take your needle/toothpick/dotter and draw 3-5 vertical lines on your nails, and they don’t have to be same size, or same distance between them.

BenQ Corporation

Znam da izgleda bljak, ali takve su moje akrilne boje dok se ne osuse potpuno :). Dalje, istom tom bojom, nacrtajte linijice koje idu iz ovih vertikalnih linija pod uglom na gore. Te linijice trebaju da predstavljaju granje drveca.

I know it looks yuck, but that’s how my acrylic paints are until they are completely dry :). Next, with the same color, draw small lines that goes from this vertical lines an angle up. This small lines should represent branches of trees

BenQ Corporation

Tokom vremena, shvatila sam da mi trava najbolje ispadne kada pomesam dve vrste zelene (jako tamno i jako svetlu) ili tamno zelenu sa belom, i zvrljam bez veze gore dole.Tako sam i sada uradila. U “In the Jungle” sam sipala jako malo neonskog zelenog laka i povlacila iglicom gore-dole po french liniji, ali tako da na  odredjenim mestima dodje i do drveca.

During all this time, I figured out that my grass looks best when I mix two types of green (very dark and very light), or when I mix dark green with white, and draw lines up and down. That’s how I did it now. In “In the Jungle” I added small amount of neon green polish and drew with dotter up-down on the french line, but on some places I let it go to the trees.

BenQ Corporation

A sada, zasto je vazno da bela bude akrilna boja. Braon lak bi nekako i uspeo da prekrije ovu mesavinu zelene, ali crvena tesko. Zato preporucujem da sta god da crtate, prvo napravite belu podlogu, a zatim preko bele bojite. Sada belom akrilnom bojom, nacrtate male kvadratice po travi…

And now, why it is important that white is acrylic paint. Brown polish will maybe somehow manage to cover this mix of greens, but red one – I don’t think so. So I recommend, whatever you are drawing, first make a white base, and then color over it. Now with white acrylic paint, draw some squares on the grass…

BenQ Corporation

…i deblje elipse iznad svakog kvadratica…

… and thicker ellipses on the top of the squares…

BenQ Corporation

Morate sacekati da se ovo dobro osusi, i ne preporucujem koriscenje Sehe Vite kao pomoc, posto se desava da ga razmaze. Sada, uzmete braon lak, i njime pazljivo obojite kvadratice. Pogotovo ako planirate da koristite crveni lak (ako koristite akrilnu, mozete malo manje pazljivi da budete, posto ona sve prekriva).

You have to wait for this to be completely dry, and I don’t recommend using Sehe Vite as help, because it sometimes it can spoil all. Now, take brown nail polish, and carefully paint squares. Especially if you are planning to use red nail polish (if you use acrylic, you can be little bit less careful, because it covers everything).

BenQ Corporation

Sa crvenim lakom/akrilnom bojom, obojite bele elipse, i skoro ste na kraju :).

With red nail polish/acrylic paint, paint white ellipses, and you’re almost over :).

BenQ Corporation

Skoro smo tu :). Kada se crvena osusi, belom akrilnom bojom napravite par tackica…

We’re almost there :). When red is dry, use white acrylic paint to make few dots…

BenQ Corporation

Obavezno stavite Top Coat, posto je ovaj manikir poprilicno grbav kad se osusi.

It’s necessarily to apply Top Coat, because this manicure is bumpy when it’s dry.

BenQ Corporation

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Znam da nije kao neki tutorijali, ali trudila sam se da bude najbolje pod uslovima koje imam. Takodje, ako napravite ovako nesto, ne zaboravite da mi javite, jedva cekam da vidim :).

I know it’s not best tutorial, but I tried to be best with conditions that I have. Also, if you make something like this, don’t forget to let me know, I can’t wait to see :).

Oct 26, 2011

Simple but attracts attention

Danas sam napravila nail art za koji mogu reci da je privukao mnogo paznje svih koji su ga videli. Cak i osobe koje ne primecuju nokte, ove su primetile. Smesno je, zato sto je ovo najjednostavnije sto sam nacrtala u zadnjih nedelju-dve. Koristila sam samo jedan lak – FlorMar 32, i crnu i belu akrilnu boju. A pogledajte rezultat :)

Today I did a nail art that attracted attention of everybody who have seen it. Even the persons who never look at nails, they noticed this one. It’s funny, because this is the simplest I drew in the last week or two. I used only one nail polish – FlorMar 32, and black and white acrylic paint. And check out result :)

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Sta mislite? Ako zelite, mogu napraviti tutorijal za ovo ili nesto drugo, samo mi kazite :).

What do you think? If you want, I can do tutorial for this or anything else, just let me know :)

Oct 25, 2011

Color Line #84 with butterfly

Danas sam u prodavnici pored kase opet videla ove Color Line lakove, i nisam mogla da odolim a da ne kupim 2, plavi i sivi. Naravno, prvo sam morala da isprobam plavi #84, posto tu boju obozavam, pogotovo kada je puna sljokica. Prvi sloj je bio katastrofa, ponegde je bio vodenast, a onda na nekim mestima kao lepljiv. Mislila sam da nece od njega biti nista. Ali ubrzo, drugi sloj je sve popravio. Svugde je bio ravnomeran i prelep. Jedina mana mu je jako kratka cetkica, pa je potrebno biti veoma pazljiv prilikom aplikacije. Posto se brzo osusio, nacrtala sam tackice i leptirica FlorMarom #32, koji se savrseno uklopio u sljokicavu pozadinu :).

Today I saw in the market by the exit this Color Line polishes, and I couldn’t resist to buy 2 of them, blue and grey one. Of course, first I had to try out blue one #84, since I love that color, especially when it’s full of glitters. First coat was disaster, somewhere it was watery, and then on the other places like sticky. I thought I spent my money for nothing. But soon, 2nd coat fixed everything. It was equal and beautiful everywhere. Only bad thing is short brush, so you need to be very careful with application. Since it dried fast, I drew some dots and butterfly with FlorMar #32, that fits perfectly with this glitter-full background :).

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Untitled-1 copy

Nije najbolje sto sam mogla, ali moze da prodje :). Sta vi mislite?

It’s not my best, but it’s ok :). What do you think?

Oct 24, 2011

In the forest

Ovu ideju sam dobila jos pre vise od dva meseca, i ne znam sto mi je trebalo tako dugo da je realizujem. A sada je vec doslo pravo vreme za to, kada padaju kise, a pecurkice u sumama rastu. Iskreno, nikada nisam videla uzivo pecurke u sumi (nisam bas ljubitelj prirode), pogotovo ne ove crvene kakve sam danas nacrtala, ali mi se svidja kako izgledaju, barem na mojim noktima :). Koristila sam :

I have this idea for last two months in my head, and I don’t know why it took that long to turn it into reality. And now came the perfect time for it, when it’s raining, and mushrooms are growing in the forests. To be honest, I have never saw mushrooms in forest (I’m not really a Nature fun), especially not this red ones that I drew today, but I like how they look, at least on my nails :). I used :

  • Essence (Show Your Feet) – In the Jungle
  • Classics – 322
  • Acrylic Colors 

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Pa, da li barem delimicno lice na prave? Sta mislite o ovome?

So, do they look at least a little bit like real? What do you think about this?

Oct 20, 2011

Island Escape

Nije China Glaze-ov, vec moj :). Ovi hladni, kisoviti dani me jako nerviraju, i trenutno, samo zelim da pobegnem na neko ostrvo, gde je plaza, palme, sunce… Posto je to nemoguce sada, pobegla sam barem na momenat dok sam crtala ove noktice :).

It’s not China Glaze, it’s mine :). This cold, rainy days are so annoying, and right now, I just want to escape to some Island, where is beach, palms, Sun… Since this is impossible, I escaped at least for a moment while I was drawing this nail art :).

  • Evri 65 (podloga / base coat)
  • Essence – Bad Girl ( za sunce / for Sun)
  • Essence – In The Jungle (za listove palme / for palm’s leaves)
  • Brown, Black, White, Blue Acrylic Paint

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Untitled 2

Kako vi podnosite ovakve dane? Gde biste volele da pobegnete?

How do you handle these days? Where would you like to escape?

Oct 17, 2011

Halloween Nail Art #2 : Pumpkins

Kao sto je MyPerfectLounge predlozila, za moj drugi Halloween nail art izabrala sam bundevice. Bilo je jednostavno, i zabavno. I da, trajalo je dugo. Koristila sam :

As MyPerfectLounge suggested, for my 2nd Halloween nail art I chose pumpkins. It was simple, and fun also. And yes, it took a lot of time. I used :

  • Essence – Midnight Rocker (kao podlogu / for base)
  • Essence – Bad Girl (za bundevice / for pumpkins)
  • Rapsodi – 195 (za zelenu peteljku / for green thing on the top of pumpkins)
  • White&Black acrylic color 

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Untitled-1 copy

Sta mislite o ovome? Imate li predloge za sledeci? Vec imam u planu duhove, cudoviste, i mozda vestice (ako uspem da ih nacrtam).

What do you think about this? Do you have suggestions for next one? I’m already planning to do ghosts, monster, and maybe witches (if I succeed in drawing them).

Oct 16, 2011

My Nail Polish Collection

Ovo je moj 100i post… Nisam mislila da cu do ovde doci, ali hvala vam svima na podrsci. Bez vas koji citate, ne bih ni pisala toliko.
I zbog vas koji ste me vise puta pitali, odlucila sam da prevazidjem svoj (ocigledno bezrazlozan) strah i prebrojim moju kolekciju. Kada sam vec to radila, napravila sam i popis, na kome ukupno ima 126 lakova (naravno, bez silnih base i top coat-ova, kao i bez lakova koje spremam za giveaway). To i nije tako strasno, zar ne?

This is my 100th post… I didn’t thought that I’ll be here, but thank you all for your support. Without you who reads, I wouldn’t even write that much.
And because of you who asked me a lot of times, I decided to overcome my (obviously irracional) fear and count my collection. While I was there, I also wrote a list, and there is totally 126 nail polishes (of course, without all base and top coats, and also without polishes that I’m collecting for giveaway). That’s not that much, isn't it?

Collection # Name
Blossoms etc...
I like
Blossoms etc...
My Yellow Fellow
Blossoms etc...
White Secret
Sweet as Candy
Ultimate Pink
Color&Go 25 Glisten Up!
Break Through
No more Drama
Movie Star
Enchanted Fairy
Just Rock It!
Choose Me!
Lime Up!
Where is The Party?
Cute As Hell
Bad Girl
Cute As Hell
Date Me!
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Dress To Party
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Love of Pink
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
The One And Only
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Purple Diamond
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Must Have
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Multi Dimension XXXL shine
Midnight Rocker
Nail Art Special Effect! Topper
Circus Confetti
Nail Art Twins
Nail Art Twins
Nail Art Twins
Nail Art Twins
Nail Art Twins
Nail Art Twins
Secrets of The Past
Meet You In Budapest
Show Your Feet
In The Jungle

Golden Rose
Chameleon Effect
Chameleon Effect
Graffiti Nail Art
Nail Art
Nail Art
Nail Art
Nail Art
Nail Art
Nail Art
Pretty Color
Pretty Color
Sweet Color
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein
With Protein

On The Edge
Aura Mini
Aura Mini
Babelle 62
Butterfly Single Collection
Butterfly Single Collection
Butterfly Single Collection
Classics 322
Color Line/Londessa
Farmasi 935
Farmasi 980
Quartz 060
Gabrini Multivitamin
Gabrini Multivitamin
Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
Maybelline Mini Colorama
Urban Orange
Maybelline Mini Colorama
French White
Miss Selene Unknown
Miss Sporty
Fatal Black
Stamping Nail Polish
Light Blue
Stamping Nail Polish
Stamping Nail Polish
Deep Blue

Sigurna sam da ima jos negde neki lak koji se moze naci po kuci, ali ovo su oni koji stoje na svom mestu. Ako zelite swatch od nekog posebnog laka, slobodno mi kazite :)

I’m sure that there is few more polishes in house, but this is those who are at their place. If you want swatch of some nail polish, feel free to let me know :)

Oct 15, 2011

Always perfect combination : Black&White

Danas moja mama ide na vencanje kod prijatelja, tako da sam ja bila zaduzena za nokte koji ce se uklapati u njenu odevnu kombinaciju. Kao savrsenu kombinaciju za svaku priliku, odabrala je crno-beli outfit te su zato i nokti takvi. Moram priznati da se malo opirala zbog crnog laka na noktima, posto to nije njen stil, ali joj se krajnji rezultat jako svideo. Koristile smo :

Today my mother is going to friend’s wedding, so I had to do her nails that will match her clothes combination. As perfect combo for every occasion, she chose black and white outfit so that how her nails looked too. I have to admit that she hated idea of having black nail polish, because it’s not her style, but at the end, she liked it a lot. We used:

- Maybelline Mini Colorama – French White (for french line)
- Miss Sporty - Fatal Black (for base on ring finger)
- Black and White Acrylic Paint
- Some stickers
- FlorMar 010 (as top coat)




Ja mislim da je isplao fantasticno, i sto mi je najvaznije, i ona misli. A sta vi mislite?

I think it looks amazing, and that’s most important for me, she think that too. And what do you think?

Oct 14, 2011

Halloween nail art #1

U mojoj zemlji se ne slavi Noc Vestica, verovatno zato sto je na isti datum kada je slavi Sveti Luka. Bude po koji maskenbal, ali to je to. A ja, ja slavim sve praznike za koje znam, pa cak i Kinesku Novu Godinu. Nije mi toliko bitan razlog, vazno je da se nesto slavi. Posto nikada do sada nisam pravila nail art povodom ove prilike, imala sam mnostvo ideja u glavi. Prva realizovana su paukove mreze i pauk, kao najjednostavnija. Nalakirala sam nokte u crno sa Essence - Must Have i ostalo sve obavila akrilnim bojama.

In my county, we don’t celebrate Halloween, probably because it’s on the same date when we celebrate Saint Luka.. There is always one or two masken-ball in town, but that’s it. And me, I celebrate every holiday I know, even Chinese New Year. I don’t really care for reason, it’s important that we celebrate. Since I never did a Halloween nail art before, I had plenty of ideas in my head. First one that I done is cobwebs and spiders, as it is simplest. I polished my nails in black with Essence - Must Have and I did everything else with acrylic paints.

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Pa, sta mislite? Imate neki predlog za moj sledeci Halloween nail art?

So, what do you think? Do you have any suggestions for my next Halloween nail art?

Oct 13, 2011

I cracked it once again!

Toliko mi se svidja kako Golden Rose Graffiti puca, da sam morala opet da ga upotrebim. Opet beli #01, ovog puta preko Golden Rose Pretty Color #141, prelepog crvenog laka koji svoju punu pokrivenost postize iz 2 sloja. Nedavno sam procitala u nekom magazinu da crveni lak za nokte ostavlja najbolji utisak na muskarce, i da oni jednostavno ne mogu da ga ne primete. Zato sam se i odlucila za ovu boju, da bi proverila tu cinjenicu, i mogu vam reci da bas i nije tako. Mnogo vise njih je primecivalo Essence – Where is the party (verovatno zbog mnostva njegovih boja), a ovaj lak nisu primecivali sve dok nisam stavili preko njega Graffiti. To je ipak malo interesantnije. Tako da ako zelite da privucete paznju nekom muskarcu svojim noktima, ja predlazem duo/multi-chrome lakove. Crveno ipak ostavite za sebe :)

I liked so much how Golden Rose Graffiti crackle, so I had to use it again. Again white #01, this time over the Golden Rose Pretty Color #141, beautiful red polish that is fully opaque with 2 coats. I have recently read in some magazine that red nail polish leaves most expression on men, and that they must notice it. That’s why I chose this color, just to see if that fact is true, and I can tell it isn’t really that way. More of them noticed Essence – Where is the party (probably because of lots of colors in it), and this polish they didn’t noticed until I putted Graffiti over it. That’s probably little bit interesting for them. So if you want to use your nails to attract men attention, use duo/multi-chrome. Leave red ones for yourself :)

BenQ Corporation

BenQ Corporation

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Ne mozete ne voleti ovaj Graffiti… Koje po vasem misljenju boje noktiju privlace paznju muskaraca?

You can’t dislike this Graffiti… What is, at your opinion, best nail color to attract men attention?

Oct 12, 2011

Press Release : Bootie Babe Cosmetics

Ne znam za vas, ali ja obozavam da tragam za novim kozmetickim kompanijama, narocito onima koji imaju lakove za nokte. Lakova nikada dosta :). Tako sam i naisla na Bootie Babe Cosmetics, koji me je na prvi pogled odusevio inovativnim oblikom bocica. Iako sam procitala da se mnogima ne svidja sto je u pitanju oblik donjeg dela zenskog tela, meni su slatke. Bootie Babe Cosmetics ima u svom asortimanu 12 razlicitih boja, sa cenom od 9$, i ono najbitnije : salju internacionalno! Jos jedna dobra stvar : 3 Free su, a sve znamo koliko je to bitno. Osnivac Bootie Babe-a Mark O’Hara je rekao da je zeleo da “stvori zabavne i unikatne beauty proizvode koji ce bukvalno odudarati od konkurencije. A ja mislim da je uspeo u njegovom cilju.

I don’t know about you, but I love searching for new cosmetic companies, especially those who have nail polishes. There’s never enough of them :). So that’s how I found Bootie Babe Cosmetics, that thrilled me on first look with it’s innovative shape of bottles. Although I read that there is lot of people that doesn’t like that is downer part of women’s body about, I think they are cute. Bootie Babe Cosmetics have 12 different colors in their shop, price is 9$, and most important thing : they ship internationally. One more good thing : they are 3 Free, and we know how that is important. President of Bootie Babe Mark O’Hara said that he wanted to “create a humorous, bold and truly unique beauty product that would literally “stand out” from the competition”. And I think he totally succeed in his goal. And here are the colors :





Pa, sta mislite? Slatko, uvredljivo, svidja vam se, ne?
Bootie Babe trenutno ima i takmicenje na njihovoj Facebook stranici na kojima mozete osvojiti neke od ovih lakova, pa ako zelite, mozete okusati srecu :).

So, what do you think? Cute, insulting, like, dislike? 
Bootie Babe made few contest on their Facebook page, where you can win some of this polish, so if you want, you can try :).