Ovo je moj 100i post… Nisam mislila da cu do ovde doci, ali hvala vam svima na podrsci. Bez vas koji citate, ne bih ni pisala toliko.
I zbog vas koji ste me vise puta pitali, odlucila sam da prevazidjem svoj (ocigledno bezrazlozan) strah i prebrojim moju kolekciju. Kada sam vec to radila, napravila sam i popis, na kome ukupno ima 126 lakova (naravno, bez silnih base i top coat-ova, kao i bez lakova koje spremam za giveaway). To i nije tako strasno, zar ne?
This is my 100th post… I didn’t thought that I’ll be here, but thank you all for your support. Without you who reads, I wouldn’t even write that much.
And because of you who asked me a lot of times, I decided to overcome my (obviously irracional) fear and count my collection. While I was there, I also wrote a list, and there is totally 126 nail polishes (of course, without all base and top coats, and also without polishes that I’m collecting for giveaway). That’s not that much, isn't it?
Collection | # | Name |
Blossoms etc... | 2 | I like |
Blossoms etc... | 3 | My Yellow Fellow |
Blossoms etc... | 4 | Bloom-A-Loom |
Color&Go | 2 | White Secret |
Color&Go | 5 | Sweet as Candy |
Color&Go | 8 | Ultimate Pink |
Color&Go | 23 | Sundancer |
Color&Go | 24 | Underwater |
Color&Go | 25 | Glisten Up! |
Color&Go | 26 | Break Through |
Color&Go | 27 | No more Drama |
Color&Go | 35 | Movie Star |
Color&Go | 36 | Enchanted Fairy |
Color&Go | 37 | Just Rock It! |
Color&Go | 38 | Choose Me! |
Color&Go | 39 | Lime Up! |
Color&Go | 43 | Where is The Party? |
Cute As Hell | 2 | Bad Girl |
Cute As Hell | 4 | Date Me! |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 42 | Dress To Party |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 57 | Love of Pink |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 58 | The One And Only |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 59 | Purple Diamond |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 62 | Must Have |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 64 | Trendsetter |
Multi Dimension XXXL shine | 65 | Midnight Rocker |
Nail Art Special Effect! Topper | 2 | Circus Confetti |
Nail Art Twins | 1 | Thelma |
Nail Art Twins | 1 | Louise |
Nail Art Twins | 3 | Clyde |
Nail Art Twins | 3 | Bonnie |
Nail Art Twins | 8 | Gabriella |
Nail Art Twins | 8 | Troy |
Secrets of The Past | 2 | Meet You In Budapest |
Show Your Feet | 10 | In The Jungle |
Golden Rose
Collection | # |
Chameleon Effect | 20 |
Chameleon Effect | 21 |
Graffiti Nail Art | 01 |
Nail Art | 110 |
Nail Art | 115 |
Nail Art | 116 |
Nail Art | 121 |
Nail Art | 123 |
Nail Art | 125 |
Paris | 18 |
Paris | 70 |
Paris | 86 |
Paris | 106 |
Paris | 214 |
Pretty Color | 141 |
Pretty Color | 173 |
Sweet Color | 30 |
With Protein | 201 |
With Protein | 203 |
With Protein | 211 |
With Protein | 212 |
With Protein | 218 |
With Protein | 227 |
With Protein | 231 |
With Protein | 234 |
With Protein | 237 |
With Protein | 242 |
With Protein | 258 |
With Protein | 262 |
With Protein | 264 |
With Protein | 270 |
With Protein | 274 |
With Protein | 288 |
With Protein | 307 |
With Protein | 309 |
With Protein | 312 |
With Protein | 318 |
With Protein | 324 |
With Protein | 328 |
With Protein | 338 |
With Protein | 339 |
Brand | Name/# |
Aura | 124 |
Aura | 203 |
Aura | 241 |
Aura | On The Edge |
Aura Mini | 28 |
Aura Mini | 55 |
Avon | Violetta |
Babelle | 62 |
Butterfly Single Collection | 102 |
Butterfly Single Collection | 244 |
Butterfly Single Collection | 247 |
Classics | 162 |
Classics | 164 |
Classics | 167 |
Classics | 322 |
Color Line/Londessa | 73 |
Farmasi | 19 |
Farmasi | 29 |
Farmasi | 935 |
Farmasi | 980 |
FCC | 32 |
FlorMar | Quartz 060 |
FlorMar | 3 |
FlorMar | 10 |
Gabrini Multivitamin | 378 |
Gabrini Multivitamin | 379 |
Isabelle Dupont | 268 |
Isabelle Dupont | 270 |
Isabelle Dupont | 412 |
Isabelle Dupont | 415 |
Maybelline Mini Colorama | Urban Orange |
Maybelline Mini Colorama | French White |
Miss Selene | Unknown |
Miss Sporty | Fatal Black |
QN | 109 |
QN | 114 |
Rapsodi | 166 |
Rapsodi | 187 |
Rapsodi | 191 |
Rapsodi | 194 |
Rapsodi | 195 |
S-he | 399 |
S-he | 464 |
Stamping Nail Polish | Light Blue |
Stamping Nail Polish | Black |
Stamping Nail Polish | White |
Tina | Deep Blue |
Venezia | 410 |
Venezia | 453 |
Sigurna sam da ima jos negde neki lak koji se moze naci po kuci, ali ovo su oni koji stoje na svom mestu. Ako zelite swatch od nekog posebnog laka, slobodno mi kazite :)
I’m sure that there is few more polishes in house, but this is those who are at their place. If you want swatch of some nail polish, feel free to let me know :)