Mozda vec znate sta ce vam trebati, ali da ponovimo : tamno zeleni lak (ja sam koristila Essence (Show Your Feet) – In the Jungle), braon lak (jedini koji imam, Classics 322), i crvena, bela, crna i boje koze akrilna boja. Naravno, mozete koristiti i lakove ove boje, ali smatram da je jedino bela bitno da bude akrilna, a videcete i zasto. Kao alat, dovoljna vam je samo igla, cackalica ili kao sto ja imam tu tanku iglicu na drugom kraju tackala. A evo kako to izgleda :)
Aurora from World Of Happy Nails asked me to do tutorial for mushrooms aka “In the Forest” nail art so I did it today. I can say that wasn’t that good like first time, probably because then it was spontaneous, and now I copied my own manicure :D. I did tutorial on one nail only, but I hope you can see the point :). Also, I had to take all pictures inside under the lamp, because today there isn’t any sun outside, just rain :(…
Maybe you already know what you will need, but I’ll say again : dark green nail polish (I used Essence (Show Your Feet) – In the Jungle), brown nail polish (I used only one that I have, Classics 322), red, white, black and skin color acrylic paint. Of course, you can use polishes instead, but I think that it’s only matter that white is acrylic paint, and you will see why. As tool, all you need is needle, toothpick, or if you have, like me, thin needle on the other side of dotter. And here’s how it looks :).
Prvo je potrebno da nalakirate nokte sa tamno zelenim lakom, ja sam stavila dva sloja In the Jungle.
First you need to polish your nails with dark green nail polish, I polished two coats of "In the Jungle”.
Ukoliko imate svetlo braon lak, olaksacete sebi, i mozete ga koristiti u narednom koraku. Ja ga nemam, tako da sam pomesala crnu akrilnu boju sa bojom koze. Uzmete iglicu/cackalicu/tackalo i povucete 3-5 vertikalnih linija po noktu, koje ne moraju ni da su jednake debljine, ni duzine, ni razdvojene.
If you have light brown nail polish, it will be easier for you, and you can use it in the next step. I don’t have it, so I mixed black acrylic paint with skin color acrylic paint. Take your needle/toothpick/dotter and draw 3-5 vertical lines on your nails, and they don’t have to be same size, or same distance between them.
Znam da izgleda bljak, ali takve su moje akrilne boje dok se ne osuse potpuno :). Dalje, istom tom bojom, nacrtajte linijice koje idu iz ovih vertikalnih linija pod uglom na gore. Te linijice trebaju da predstavljaju granje drveca.
I know it looks yuck, but that’s how my acrylic paints are until they are completely dry :). Next, with the same color, draw small lines that goes from this vertical lines an angle up. This small lines should represent branches of trees
Tokom vremena, shvatila sam da mi trava najbolje ispadne kada pomesam dve vrste zelene (jako tamno i jako svetlu) ili tamno zelenu sa belom, i zvrljam bez veze gore dole.Tako sam i sada uradila. U “In the Jungle” sam sipala jako malo neonskog zelenog laka i povlacila iglicom gore-dole po french liniji, ali tako da na odredjenim mestima dodje i do drveca.
During all this time, I figured out that my grass looks best when I mix two types of green (very dark and very light), or when I mix dark green with white, and draw lines up and down. That’s how I did it now. In “In the Jungle” I added small amount of neon green polish and drew with dotter up-down on the french line, but on some places I let it go to the trees.
A sada, zasto je vazno da bela bude akrilna boja. Braon lak bi nekako i uspeo da prekrije ovu mesavinu zelene, ali crvena tesko. Zato preporucujem da sta god da crtate, prvo napravite belu podlogu, a zatim preko bele bojite. Sada belom akrilnom bojom, nacrtate male kvadratice po travi…
And now, why it is important that white is acrylic paint. Brown polish will maybe somehow manage to cover this mix of greens, but red one – I don’t think so. So I recommend, whatever you are drawing, first make a white base, and then color over it. Now with white acrylic paint, draw some squares on the grass…
…i deblje elipse iznad svakog kvadratica…
… and thicker ellipses on the top of the squares…
Morate sacekati da se ovo dobro osusi, i ne preporucujem koriscenje Sehe Vite kao pomoc, posto se desava da ga razmaze. Sada, uzmete braon lak, i njime pazljivo obojite kvadratice. Pogotovo ako planirate da koristite crveni lak (ako koristite akrilnu, mozete malo manje pazljivi da budete, posto ona sve prekriva).
You have to wait for this to be completely dry, and I don’t recommend using Sehe Vite as help, because it sometimes it can spoil all. Now, take brown nail polish, and carefully paint squares. Especially if you are planning to use red nail polish (if you use acrylic, you can be little bit less careful, because it covers everything).
Sa crvenim lakom/akrilnom bojom, obojite bele elipse, i skoro ste na kraju :).
With red nail polish/acrylic paint, paint white ellipses, and you’re almost over :).
Skoro smo tu :). Kada se crvena osusi, belom akrilnom bojom napravite par tackica…
We’re almost there :). When red is dry, use white acrylic paint to make few dots…
Obavezno stavite Top Coat, posto je ovaj manikir poprilicno grbav kad se osusi.
It’s necessarily to apply Top Coat, because this manicure is bumpy when it’s dry.
Znam da nije kao neki tutorijali, ali trudila sam se da bude najbolje pod uslovima koje imam. Takodje, ako napravite ovako nesto, ne zaboravite da mi javite, jedva cekam da vidim :).
I know it’s not best tutorial, but I tried to be best with conditions that I have. Also, if you make something like this, don’t forget to let me know, I can’t wait to see :).
Aaaaaaaaa hvala :))) divna si :) tutorial je odlican, sve pokazuje redom :) Moracu ubrzo trkom po neki zeleni lakic pa cu da pokusam, pecurkice su preslatke :)
ReplyDeletesve se vidi, išla si korak po korak i to je dobar tutorijal :-D
ReplyDeletenisu samo tvoje akrilne grbave, sve su takve... zato mi je draže crtati lakom iako s akrilom imaš priliku i popravit nešto ako faliješ ;-D